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• Basic Life Support Transport Services <br /> 2. Approve the Franchise Agreement under which North State Medical Transport, Inc. will <br /> operate during the five-year period of franchise and that as a condition of the Franchise <br /> that North State enter into an Operations Agreement with Orange County within 90 <br /> days to provide for the daily operational functions of North State as it works within the <br /> Orange County Emergency Services System; and <br /> 3. Authorize the Emergency Services Director to negotiate the Operations Agreement with <br /> North State and the County Manager to sign the Agreement after review by the County <br /> Attorney or his staff. <br /> VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> c. Automatic External Defibrillator(AED) Program Guidelines <br /> The Board considered a programmatic guideline for the Board's consideration <br /> regarding the specification, purchase, placement/installation, use, monitoring and maintenance <br /> of Automatic External Defibrillators (AED) in County-owned and/or operated facilities. <br /> Frank Montes de Oca said that the Board of County Commissioners asked staff to look <br /> at AEDs and the staff recommends a program guideline rather than an ordinance. Attachment <br /> 1 includes the current inventory and recommended placement. It is recommended that 31 <br /> AEDs be installed throughout the County. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs asked if there would be a point person in each building and <br /> Frank Montes de Oca said yes. There will also be obvious signage in buildings. <br /> Commissioner Yuhasz asked about the annual maintenance for these and Frank <br /> Montes de Oca said about $10,000. <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner Jacobs, seconded by Commissioner Hemminger <br /> to establish the AED Program Guidelines; and allocate $16,000 annually over the next three <br /> fiscal cycles for the purchase of the AEDs, mounting equipment, and installation. <br /> VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> d. Implementation of a One-Week Payroll Deferral —Amendment to Orange <br /> County Personnel Ordinance Article Ill, Section 1.0, The Work Week and <br /> Resolution Authorizing the Use and Advancement of Sick, Personal and Petty <br /> Leave During Payroll Deferral <br /> The Board considered an amendment to the Orange County Personnel Ordinance <br /> Article III, Section 1.0, "The Work Week" to change the standard work week and a resolution <br /> authorizing the County Manager to allow employees to use up to 40 hours of sick leave and <br /> personal and petty leave accrued through June 30, 2011 to supplement their pay during the <br /> payroll deferral and advancing employees' sick, person and petty leave during the payroll <br /> deferral. <br /> Frank Clifton said that the purpose of this issue is that the County continues to operate <br /> on a manual payroll system and it creates lots of errors. Staff has been moving forward to <br /> create an automated system of time-keeping and calculations. One of the issues is that most <br /> of the automated systems will not pay people in advance of hours actually worked. For some <br /> reason, the County has migrated to a system that pays people in advance, mainly because of <br /> direct deposit and the money being placed in the bank ahead of the work week ending. To <br /> move to this system, there must be a one-week deferral of payroll. In order to accomplish this, <br /> the recommendation is to allow employees to draw from personal leave or vacation leave to <br /> offset any loss of income over that week. <br />