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WHEREAS, the School Board has no authority to levy taxes to generate revenue to <br /> operate the school system and is dependent on the federal and state governments and <br /> Orange County local government to provide the school system with adequate funding on a <br /> yearly basis; and <br /> WHEREAS, the School Board is of the belief that passage of Article 46 one-quarter <br /> cent sales tax would diversify the County's revenue stream and has the potential to minimize <br /> cuts in local funding for the school system and the impact on the level of service the school <br /> system would be able to provide. <br /> NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Orange County Board of Education <br /> requests the Orange County Board of County Commissioners allocate all of the proceeds from <br /> the proposed Article 46 one-quarter center sales tax to Orange County and Chapel Hill- <br /> Carrboro City Schools. <br /> This the 18th day of August 2010. <br /> Aaron Nelson, President of the Chapel Hill/Carrboro Chamber of Commerce, said that <br /> they support the 1%-cent sales tax increase and for the majority of these funds to go to <br /> economic development. He said that the Board of County Commissioners needs to become <br /> firm on this before the Chamber of Commerce can fully come out to support it. He said that <br /> these funds should be spent on business retention, business recruitment, etc., besides <br /> infrastructure. He said that it is important for the County to still try and get a %2-cent sales tax <br /> for regional transit and transportation. <br /> Bob Nutter said that he supports a sales tax because it is one of the few taxes that they <br /> have a choice in. He said that he trusts the Board of County Commissioners and staff to use it <br /> wisely. <br /> Chair Foushee said that this resolution only allows the County Commissioners to <br /> consider the question of a 1%-cent sales tax. <br /> Frank Clifton said that additional information will be discussed at the work session on <br /> the 191h. The Board of County Commissioners can vote on this at the September 2nd meeting. <br /> He pointed out that this tax does not apply to grocery sales. <br /> Commissioner Yuhasz said that so many commented on targeting this tax for economic <br /> development and the only question is how much will go toward economic development. He <br /> said that the County Commissioners should put some timeframe on how long the specific <br /> targets attached to the tax will last, such as a five-year horizon. <br /> Commissioner Pelissier asked that staff come to a work session with timeframe <br /> parameters for this sales tax. She does not want to make an indefinite commitment to any one <br /> issue. She asked for some pros and cons of different timeframes. <br /> Chair Foushee made reference to the public education section and said that the Board <br /> needs to discuss this on the 19th to make sure the public understands this referendum. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs said that this item should have been put first since so many <br /> people were here to speak. <br /> 7. Regular Agenda <br /> a. First Reading: Emergency Services Franchise by Ordinance: AAA <br /> Transport, Inc. <br /> The Board considered approving on First Reading the granting of a franchise by <br /> ordinance to AAA Transport, Inc., the Franchise Agreement under which it will operate and <br /> authorizing the County Manager to sign after review by the County Attorney. <br /> Frank Montes de Oca introduced this item. <br />