Orange County NC Website
3. OCAS will secure the appropriate Release Agreement or Bond <br />Reduction documents for each offender and obtain the signature of the <br />judicial official. <br />4. OCAS agrees to submit program activity information to the <br />Information Management System (IMS) database of the Criminal Justice <br />Partnership Program immediately after each client contact. <br />5. OCAS regularly participates and is involved with the 15B judicial <br />meetings, e.g. Community Resource Court, Court Committee, or other <br />court-related efforts. <br />6. OCAS agrees to continue monitoring and evaluating the Pre-Trial <br />program, to include necessary documentation and data collection, and to <br />provide the results of this monitoring and evaluation to County upon request <br />of County. <br />B. The County agrees to reimburse OCAS for the services provided pursuant <br />to this agreement up to the amount of 60 718 for the period beginning July 1, 2005 <br />and ending June 30, 2006. The budget for the contract period is as follows: <br />Services Money <br />Personnel $47,000 <br />Operating Expenses $10,218 <br />Travel <br />Contractual and Other $2,900 <br />Total <br />$600 <br />$60,718 <br />OCAS agrees to provide the County with its reimbursement requests by the 10~' <br />business day of each month for the previous month's expenses. The County agrees <br />to reimburse OCAS for all reimbursable expenses invoiced by August 15, 2006. <br />1. OCAS agrees that monies to be paid by the County aze contingent <br />upon receipt by the County of a Criminal Justice Partnership Program <br />(CJPP) grant for these services from the North Carolina Department of <br />Correction Criminal Justice Partnership Program and the obligation of the <br />County under this agreement is reduced, dollaz for dollar, by the amount of <br />any reduction in the State grant. <br />2. OCAS agrees to the following conditions regarding the budget: <br />2 <br />i~ <br />