Orange County NC Website
= = is <br />Page 3 <br />RE: Memorandum of l3nderstanding <br />C. Assist in the iderlti~rcatian of needs of target pcpula#ions for which substance abuse <br />services appear to be indicated and to communicate its findings to DHHS for the purpose <br />of coordina#ing the provision of stack services <br />D. Manit~r an individuals service plan based on the results of the asses$rner-t and update the <br />service plan based on treatment, collateral contacts acid case compliance <br />E. Participate in regular information exchanges with the appropriate Prr~bation ~DCC~, TASC <br />and CJPP staff . <br />F. Provide tb the appropriate service provider pertinent background information necessary to <br />facilitate the provisions of substance abuse services in accordance with all applicable <br />status and rules <br />~. Obtain appropriate release of information do allow this exchange of information between <br />agent representatives <br />}-I. Administer drug screens according to DCC Substance Abuse Screening Program policy, <br />Probation Services' rniasion is to provide antral and supervision of offenders in the community <br />#hrough targeting, control, treatment, compliance and enforcement. <br />Probation Services (DCC) agrees to: <br />A. Provide control and supervision of all offenders meeting the eligibii'rty criteria of the ~hv1M <br />B. identify and refer eligible or court ordered offenders to TASC for screening and <br />assessment - <br />C. Delrelop an individual case plan based on probation judgment and assessments <br />Q. Facilitate compliance with the treatment recommendations resulting from the common <br />assessment instrument <br />i;- Frovide TASC,-CJPP, and DACDP with a copy ofi the judgment, post-release agreement, <br />aPUS ntamber and all pertinent documenta#ion necessary to facilitate delivery of service <br />i=. Identify and enforce sanctia~s and supervision levels to match and address offender risk <br />G. Participate in regular stafFing with appropriate TASC, DACDP and CJPP staff <br />H• Integrate current Probation DCC) policies in the areas of compliance, viola#ions and <br />treatment into DMM <br />1- Administer drug screens and collect, store and transport samples and be ultimately <br />responsible far any screens collected by C.lPP. .~ <br />DMF!!DDlSAS Signature <br />CJPP Signature <br />i nSC Signature <br />DCC Signature <br />^ate - <br />date <br />Cate <br />Date <br />