Orange County NC Website
Budget and Justification: <br />Personnel <br />Jane Stein Co-Project Manager <br />Miriam Palacio Co-Project Nlanager <br />Perla Saitz Develop materials <br /> Revise <br />Kevin Hunt Develop materials <br /> Train Assessors <br /> Revise materials <br /> Develop /implement <br /> Interpreter training <br />Consultant Interpreting consultant <br />Total personnel <br />$7650 <br />Jane Stein will be responsible for defining the work, for developing the scoring <br />procedures, for supervising Ms. Saitz, and for the production of the instruments. <br />Miriam Palacio will be responsible for communications with Orange County, for <br />scheduling of meetings and activities, and for overall scheduling of the project. <br />Perla Saitz will design and revise the materials, develop and validate scoring procedure <br />with Dr. Stein, and train both. <br />Kevin Hunt will assist on the design and revision of the materials and will train both <br />assessors and interpreters. <br />CHICLE will identify a consultant who has experience at training interpreters and <br />developing interpretation materials. This person will not be local so communication <br />will be primarily by telephone and email. <br />Other expenses <br />Supplies <br />Supplies needed include. paper, toner, and general office materials. <br />Subtotal <br />Overhead @ 25% <br />TOTAL COST <br />5 hours /week for 16 weeks $2000 <br />4 hours /week for 16 weeks $1600 <br />8 hours /week for 8 weeks $1280 <br />4 hours /week for 4 weeks $320 <br />2 hours/week for 8 weeks $400 <br />10 hours /week for 1 week $250 <br />2 hours /week for 4 weeks $200 <br />4 hours /week for 6 weeks $600 <br />10 hour s@ $100/hour $1000 <br />5 <br />$200 <br />$7850 <br />$1963 <br />$9813 <br />icy <br />