Orange County NC Website
in";�,3atvss w ' 4fd have -10 ba re�5tjsad to w1hatever acticil the BOCC May to i3 etrLiSt <br />t Counyis, ffundLag all ocatedto the pro <br />Ibe 3---ard bas indicated itts intention to • - ss at the January 22, 2005 annual pIM-nning <br />re,4reat the 'etive Ucational <br />.le irnpjica�ions of vario a schooke' d initi es -such such as Ed: <br />ate <br />Exceltence, Efficiency, and Goflaboration - in: the larger context of measures the Board aniay <br />consider to promote greater funding equity between the two school systerins in the futon. <br />RMANCIALIMPIACT: Precise financial impacts cannot be determined. but possible Changes 9141.1 <br />r <br />projected building capacity and projacted gTovr�i In stud-ant ra-emb ,,,h,i P for the next ILP-1 YSWS <br />Of Tid-7 <br />unpacts an fWur operating and cspz� &udg ea-sured in the tans: n-0 -s off <br />I S <br />RECOMMIENDAT I`ON(S). The Adnam"ieust-Sn re-=- mtrnend, -,mot the acrid: <br />Appprnova the No-.,,ernber 115. 2004, actual rnsmb5Tsh[.P numbers., <br />Racenve the information about 10 -yeah student projection averages-, <br />M Approve the building capacity figures based on the individual school building ca.parity <br />numbers for both school systems at the fuels certified for 2003 -04- <br />* Indicate the Commissioners' intention to reallocate, as necessary and appropriate,. <br />p i <br />funding tiom the previously Planned issuance of $12.8 million in debt for CHGCS <br />c <br />J.a.mentaiy So hoot #10 to address oast ovemuns for CHCGS High, Sclioal 93, OCS <br />,Md6e School #3, and other pr;oriby County capit-ei praiects as determirted by the SO CC; <br />aire-=. staff 410 revise the 2004 -1 4' 4C, IP: Io �Iorid-ud-= a fundiqg. plan thatwou,-Ij p roVida for the <br />crtstnj-��-On of OriccS Elaimarftary-MIG akmg a timmina conslstentvWvh the need fb;, <br />Via, s CI spaca as id�entiftd in the Fjpr-,,a'--d SAPFO —tan-year student rmarn-�Fersi,.:R <br />(i.e opening for the 200,95-10 acadfeWic yasrX <br />