Orange County NC Website
insurance plan would result in a 12% increase in funding for 2011, which is 5% above the <br />budgeted increase of 7%. The Manager does not recommend pursuing self-insurance for 2011 <br />because it would not provide any financial savings at this time. <br />c. Participation in the NCACC Risk Management Agency ("Risk Pool") <br />The County currently participates in the NCACC Risk Pool. Attachment 3 is the NCACC <br />Interlocal Agreement Group Self Insurance Fund for Risk Sharing or Group Purchase of <br />Insurance which allows the County to join and participate in the NCACC Risk Pool which <br />provides coverage for Worker's Compensation, Liability and Property and the Health Insurance <br />Trust. The County has budgeted $6,338,000 for active employees' and an additional <br />$1,352,000 for retiree health insurance in FY 2010-11.. <br />Recommendations: <br />• Authorize the Manager to sign the Early Retiree Reinsurance Program Plan Sponsor <br />application and Plan Sponsor Agreement and further authorize the Manager or designee <br />to carry out the program; <br />• Approve the renewal of the fully-insured health insurance plans with the NCACC with an <br />increase of 6.5%; and <br />• Approve the resolution and authorize the Manager to sign the NCACC Interlocal <br />Agreement for a Group Self Insurance Fund for Risk Sharing or Group Purchase of <br />Insurance. (See Attachment 3) <br />2. Dental Insurance <br />The County provides dental insurance through aself-insured dental plan with Delta Dental of <br />North Carolina. The County pays all costs for employee coverage (claims and an administrative <br />fee to Delta Dental). Employees pay the full premium for dependent coverage. Dental claims <br />are paid according to a unique Orange County Table of Allowances (TOA). Because of the <br />historically low levels of dental claims payments, the County increased its levels of <br />reimbursement for claims in both 2009 and 2010. The County continues to have low levels of <br />dental claims payments, and staff is recommending an increase in the reimbursement amounts <br />for endodontics, extractions, and major restorative care. The County budgeted $251,600 for <br />dental insurance for fiscal year 2010-11, which is sufficient to sustain increased levels of <br />reimbursement. An overview of the dental plan and recommended enhancements are provided <br />in Attachment 4. <br />Recommendation: <br />Change the Orange County Table of Allowances to increase the reimbursement amounts <br />for Endodontics, Periodontics, Extractions, and Major Restorative Benefits. (Attachment <br />4) <br />3. Flexible Compensation Plan <br />The County provides a Section 125 Flexible Compensation Plan administered by Tucker <br />Administrators. This Plan consists of: a) tax sheltering of health and dental premiums and b) <br />two Flexible Spending Accounts (a medical spending account and dependent/child care <br />spending account). Employees save money because no income or social security taxes are <br />deducted from contributions made to these accounts. <br />Attachment 5 is an overview of the flexible spending accounts, including changes mandated by <br />the Affordable Care Act. The County pays the administrative costs when employees choose to <br />contribute to a flexible spending account. The County has budgeted $15,600 for these <br />