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First Steas: In order to create a utility district, the BOCC must hold a public hearing to receive <br />public comment on the project and comply with the provisions established in NCGS 162A-87(a); <br />To wit; "Following the public hearing, the BOCC may, by resolution, create a county <br />water and sewer district if the BOCC finds that: <br />1. There is a demonstrable need for providing in the district water services, or <br />sewer services, or both; <br />2. The residents of all the territory to be included in the district will benefit from <br />the district's creation; and <br />3. It is economically feasible to provide the proposed service or services in the <br />district without unreasonable or burdensome annual tax levies." <br />Prior to publishing notice of the hearing, staff would create a map of the proposed Efland / <br />Buckhorn / Mebane area water and/or sewer district boundaries and a narrative describing the <br />purpose of the district and aspects of the public hearing. <br />Related Efland Matters: Sewer collection service is already available in part of the Efland <br />community and defining a water and sewer district would involve analyzing which properties <br />could be served by the existing water and sewer system. Continuing collaboration with Orange <br />Alamance Water System (OAWS) and the Efland Volunteer Fire Department would also assist <br />in defining boundaries. Creating a water and sewer district would allow the County to define the <br />existing service area and create a district sewer tax, similar to a fire or school district tax, which <br />could be used to provide an additional revenue stream to the Efland sewer enterprise fund and <br />possibly to provide improved fire suppression systems. (See Attachment 3 for applicability to <br />the Efland area) <br />FINANCIAL IMPACT: Other than committing staff time to the project, there is no financial <br />impact associated with authorizing staff to designate the boundary of a water and sewer <br />districts and gather information needed for a public hearing on the creation of said districts. <br />RECOMMENDATION(Sj: The Manager recommends the Board: <br />1. Authorize staff to move forward with the creation of an Efland/Buckhorn/Mebane water <br />and sewer district map and other materials needed for a public hearing; <br />2. Authorize staff to research the creation of other utility districts consistent with the <br />Comprehensive Plan; and <br />3. Authorize staff to bring forward utility service agreements with host utility authorities. <br />