Orange County NC Website
5, <br /> i Forward <br /> 2 <br /> 3 Chapter I provides an overview of preservation planning within Orange County, including <br /> 4 definitions of the Local Landmark Program, Certificate of Appropriateness (COA) process, <br /> 5 and a brief summary of the roles of the Orange County Historic Preservation Commission, <br /> 6 Board of Orange County Commissioners (BOCC), and Orange County Department of <br /> 7 Environment, Agriculture, Parks and Recreation (DEAPR). A brief comparison of the Locai <br /> s Landmark Program and National Register of Historic Places provides an outline of tax credits <br /> 9 and bene�ts associated with each. The Design Review Process is described in detail, <br /> 10 including the COA application process, examples of activities which do and do not require a <br /> i t COA, and the appeal process. <br /> 12 <br /> 13 Chapter II provides a discussion of the design standards related to the historic context of a <br /> 14 structure or property, including the overall setting, relationship of contributing buildings, <br /> is structures, and other features to one another and the surrounding natural landscape. <br /> 16 Specific design standards are provided for various properties and features including active/ <br /> i� working Farms, Outbuildings 8�Accessory Structures, Fences 8�Walls, Walkways, Driveways <br /> i8 & On-Site Parking, Cemeteries &Archaeological Features, Exterior Lighting, and Signage. <br /> 19 <br /> 2o Chapter III covers general maintenance and changes to the exterior of historic structures. <br /> 21 Specific elements are discussed in terms of maintaining the historic character of a building, <br /> 22 including maintenance standards, specific materials (wood, masonry, etc.), and specific <br /> 23 architectural elements (windows, doors, roof details, etc.). Design guidelines for increasing <br /> 24 the energy efficiency of historic structures, as well as retrofitting a structure for accessibility <br /> 2s and safety considerations, are also provided. <br /> 26 <br /> 27 Chapters IV and V present standards for the introduction of new buildings to a historic <br /> 28 property, as well as the removal, demolition, or relocation of historic structures. <br /> 29 <br /> 3o Chapter VI provides appendices, including the Local Landmark Application, COA Application <br /> 31 and Project Review Form, Secretary of the Interior's Standards for Rehabilitation, National <br /> 32 Register of Historic Places Criteria for Evaluation, Glossary of Architectural Terms, and a list <br /> 33 of contacts related to historic preservation. <br /> 34 <br />