Orange County NC Website
14 <br />criteria in effect at the time of the contamination or <br />an alternative site is unacceptable because <br />widespread existence of contamination or because <br />of the potential of contaminant migr4tion to the <br />4temate site. <br />A description of these terms and 'their application is provided in <br />Section DTI of this Agreement. <br />Public Water or Public Sewer Service: The provision of water <br />and/or sewer service by a party to this agreement. This definition does <br />not include consulting services and/or technical assistance services. <br />Emergency Water Transfer: Any short -term transfer of raw water <br />supply or finished drinking water supply from one service provider to <br />assist another service provider in meeting water needs during: <br />a) .unanticipated disruptions or ernergemcies relating to raw or <br />finished water supply. Such disruption's or emergencies may <br />result from events including, but not limited to: (i) human error; <br />ii) equipment or power failure; iii) supply contamination; iv) <br />major fires, floods, droughts or other disasters; and v) <br />operations or facility maintenance activities, or <br />b) periods when temporary, short -terin disruption of water <br />supply or finished water service may occur as a result of <br />planned or unplanned maintenance of major water supply, <br />pumping, transmission, treatment, or storage facilities. <br />].Yon - Emergency Water Transfer: Any transfer from one water <br />service provider to another water service provider of raw Water supply <br />finished nished drhking water supply which is not an emergency water <br />transfer. <br />Wastewater Transfer: Any transfer from one wastewater service <br />provider tv another wastewater service provider. <br />Water and /or Sewer Provider: A municipal coiporatior4 courtly, <br />private non-profit water system, or public water and sewer authority <br />0 <br />