Orange County NC Website
<br />Th° So~utous Group <br />Air-{~-CCIt Csxxcttc scrie., <br />• 1wStJltt sttxly5is by balk and tape SfttnD#ts <br />* Mold :utrn#}psis by culture <br />• Yiu#rtc Cttntat identi~catibn and enumeration <br />• Carben rnnnoride revers by direct mwsuz'emtnt ',nstrutnerttation. <br />* Cartxzn clidxida #cvc35 by dirCCt mcxsurcmcnt instrumentation. <br />Photc>grsphs e~f rcpresentative arras of cancrret. <br />Alxa a~ dixuS~cxl today.. we wilt review the i>!tvcnttxy nfcherttit:al+;utd MSDS purt:ha_sed by orange <br />County for this lctc~atiim and lxc~vida you with a separate stunmuy disctessian ot'acecptablc materials as <br />well a.4 thc~;tc prnclucts whose ttu should be distxsntinticd. <br />upon rc~~c:ipt teCthc rew dart by the laboratory. The ~tectous ~ractp wilt issue d faratat repc-rt detailing the <br />nto#d type attd mounts t+y individual sitc_ Wr will also incorporate the restclts of the othex paramct <br />mcasurod. This nl~c~rt wilt be generated at a strand-alone doaumcnt. The rep<utx will be written as a draft <br />deaurnertt, sent tt+ ybu fee rcvitw send change, seed there fiteatixetl after you have apprt~vcd the repnn. Thrti <br />report will become the property oft#te fhange County Public W<mkx TApatitttent, and witl not be sentto <br />anyone but yaursctC wi thou( your prior approve#. 't`hose formal t~ttrts wit! tse ganL~tted tte) latex th:itt ?2 <br />hours sftcr racsipt of results. <br />A separate report will be generated dcraritrng the K.~utts 3teQ feedings of the 1IY~tC system evaluation. <br />'T'iming: The cvaltsaticut and sstnpling feu s<H of the above uctivitics can be completed within 1 wcok ltctn <br />the time o('accc;ptanct: oCthis proposal. I wit) need from you or Wayne a cnmplctt: chcmi~al inY~~ntary as <br />well as thi MST3S fat fire chemicals wC wilt h+c rcvt:wing. Wr will r1CCd to have a custodian available to <br />unlncit r,ificcx to gain xectas. Also as agareed, 1 will pet~tmally undcrrtske the sauttping. A five day- <br />turnaround zimc Wil) be set. up with the lab, anal reports wi## be generated as restclts are obtained ort a first- <br />inlfirst-c~uf bail. <br />At#cr ell oCtha txpuns ,are generated, The Solutous Crrtzup wilt mt~"ei with yoU 8nd other managers as <br />deemed appropriate by you to dixcttss the priorititatian ofueas needing attention, if any, baccd upon the <br />resu#ts c~btaincd. <br />The proposed cast for this activity will be set on a oat-tta-cxctx"d basis ceC $ # 7,8f10 free a# l activities at ~+de <br />teeters. The only so:~~c which wsrulcl Cause rtti$ proposal to titrtase would k+e the addition x+f extra sarstnlc~: <br />alxrvc :-nd beyond tltc feral amount scheduled, nr a rcr#ucsted tumsround time of less than S days for the lab <br />analyse;. This inrrcise wnutd only bc: done upon receipt of writtenlv~erbal approval by yon or ytaur cir<~i6nec <br />within the ©range County F'ub#ic Works t?cpartmctte. We wt>uld bcs abic to begin this activity within rite <br />next. Z dstys. We very much Innlc tiyrward to assisting you ire this important protect. { hcpc to hear Crum ycsu <br />SbUn. <br />Sincerely yflurs, <br />.~~~ <br />Lawxence `~. Curcio, Ph.T), <br />1'residcnE <br />