Orange County NC Website
580 <br /> B. REPORT ON REGIONAL BICYCLE PLAN <br /> Planner Gene Bell gave a status report on a proposal for a <br /> Regional Bicycle Plan. The Board discussed the proposal at length. <br /> Seventy-five percent of the $30, 000 cost would go for education and <br /> enforcement and twenty-five percent would go for planning bikeways. <br /> After an extended discussion, motion was made by Commissioner <br /> Gordon to approve Orange County's participation in the study by <br /> providing $6,025 if all the $30, 000 is used for laying out a framework <br /> for planning and constructing new bicycle corridors as specified in the <br /> scope of the plan. (This motion died for lack of a second) . <br /> Commissioner Insko asked that this information be forwarded <br /> to the Transportation Advisory Committee without the obligation of <br /> funds. She asked that the plan be revised to focus on development of <br /> a bikeway plan. <br /> After additional discussion by the members of the Board, a <br /> motion was made by Commissioner Willhoit, seconded by Commissioner Insko <br /> to not fund a study which would focus mainly on education and <br /> enforcement but to inform the TAC that the Board agrees that efforts <br /> should be devoted to planning for bikeways. <br /> VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> C. OWASA'S REQUEST FOR COMMENTS - HILLSBOROUGH'S REQUEST FOR USE <br /> OF SIXTEEN INCH WATER LINE <br /> In a memo from Lois Herring, Chair of the OWASA Board, dated <br /> August 30, 1991, she asked that the Board comment on Hillsborough's <br /> request for use of their 16-inch transmission line that is along the Old <br /> Chapel Hill-Hillsborough Road and north of Davis Road. <br /> Bob Rose, Hillsborough Town Commissioner, read a prepared <br /> statement which is in the permanent agenda file. He emphasized that <br /> Hillsborough has offered $250, 000 for this transmission line. This line <br /> will be used to increase the water pressure for that area served by this <br /> line. It would still be used for transmission of water from OWASA to <br /> Hillsborough as needed. Rose emphasized that OWASA no longer has any <br /> use for this line. <br /> After an extended discussion, the Commissioners asked that the <br /> County Engineer provide them with a report on the appropriate use of <br /> this 16-inch line and the impact of OWASA selling this line to <br /> Hillsborough. <br /> VIII. ITEMS FOR DECISION - REGULAR AGENDA <br /> A. BID AWARD FOR THE EFLAND-CHEEKS COMMUNITY CENTER AND PARK <br /> Motion was made by Commissioner Halkiotis, seconded by <br /> Commissioner Insko to approve and authorize the Chair to award the bid <br /> to O'Neal Construction, Inc. , Chapel Hill, NC for $219,724 which <br /> includes Alternate #2 and Alternate #4. The list of bids received is <br /> an attachment to these minutes on page <br /> VOTE: UNANIMOUS - <br /> B. ORANGE COUNTY EFLAND-CHEERS COMMUNITY CENTER AND PARK <br /> Motion was made by Commissioner Halkiotis, seconded by Chair <br /> Carey to approve and authorize the Chair to sign a lease agreement with <br /> the Orange County Board of Education for the Efland-Cheeks Community <br /> Center and Neighborhood Park contingent upon Manager and County Attorney <br /> final review. <br /> VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />