Orange County NC Website
578 <br /> B. PROCLAMATION - HUNTING AND FISHING DAY IN ORANGE COUNTY <br /> Motion was made by Commissioner Gordon, seconded by <br /> Commissioner Halkiotis to approve and authorize the Chair to sign the <br /> proclamation as stated below which proclaims September 28, 1991 as <br /> Hunting and Fishing Day in North Carolina <br /> P R O C L A M A T I O N <br /> HUNTING AND FISHING DAY IN ORANGE COUNTY <br /> WHEREAS, since the turn of the century, hunters and anglers have been <br /> at the forefront of the conservation movement, providing the <br /> impetus and the financing for many of the wildlife <br /> conservation programs existing today, and <br /> WHEREAS, as individuals, and through their organizations, sportsmen and <br /> women volunteer countless hours of their time for conservation <br /> projects and to educate others about the wise management of <br /> our natural resources, and <br /> WHEREAS, to date, sportsmen and women have provided more than $12 <br /> billion nationally for conservation programs that benefit all <br /> species of fish and wildlife, chipmunks and song birds as well <br /> as deer and elk, and <br /> THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Orange County Board of Commissioners <br /> does hereby proclaim September 28, 1991 as Hunting and Fishing <br /> Day in Orange County to recognize the many contributions local <br /> sportsmen and women have made to conservation, and <br /> BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Orange County Board of Commissioners <br /> urge all citizens to join and support our sportsmen and women <br /> in their efforts to ensure the wise use and proper management <br /> of our natural resources to benefit future generations. <br /> This the 17th day of September, 1991. <br /> VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> ADDED ITEM <br /> C. PROCLAMATION - STAGE II WATER SHORTAGE ALERT <br /> Motion was made by Commissioner Insko, seconded by <br /> Commissioner Halkiotis to approve the proclamation as stated below which <br /> implements Stage II Water shortage alert: <br /> PUBLIC PROCLAMATION <br /> REGARDING USE OF WATER OBTAINED <br /> FROM THE PUBLIC WATER SYSTEM <br /> SUPPLIED BY THE ORANGE-ALAMANCE WATER SYSTEM,, INC. AND <br /> THE TOWN OF HILLSBOROUGH AND <br /> FROM ANY RAW WATER SUPPLY WITHIN ORANGE COUNTY USED BY <br /> THE ORANGE-ALAMANCE WATER SYSTEM, INC. AND <br /> THE TOWN OF HILLSBOROUGH <br /> Pursuant to the provisions of the ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE <br /> CONSERVATION OF WATER DURING A WATER SHORTAGE, RESTRICTING THE USE OF <br /> WATER AND WATER WITHDRAWALS, AND ALLOCATING AUGMENTED STREAMFLOW FROM <br />