Orange County NC Website
~~,p- ~ t~Ov~c~d3 <br />~- ~ ~--v5 <br />a. "Minutes J` T <br />The Board approved the minutes as-submitted. by the Clerk to the Board fo meetings on <br />November 15, 1.6,22 (5:30 pm and 7:30: pm}and December 6, 2004:. <br />b'. Appointments -None <br />c. Motor Vehicle Property Tax ReleaselRefunds <br />The Board adopted and authorized the Chairto sign a refund resolution, which is <br />incorpora#ed by reference, related to 152 requests for motor vehicle property tax releases or <br />refunds in accordance with North Carolina General Statutes:. <br />d. Property Value Changes.. <br />The Board adopted and authorized the Chairto sign. a resolution, which is incorporated <br />by reference, approving value changes made in property values after the 2004-Board of <br />Equalization and Review has adjourned. <br />e. Resolution Creating a Special Board of``Eauatization and Review= <br />The Board adopted and authorized the Chairto sign a resolution, which is incorporated <br />by reference, providing for the appointment of a special board of equalization. and review to <br />carry out the statutory... responsibilities of ensuring that ax lists and tax records comply with tMe <br />provisions of the North Carolina Machinery Act and direct staff to recruit applicants for the E&R <br />Board, with appointments to be made at a future Commissioners' meeting. <br />f. Budget Amendment #7 <br />The Board `approved budget, grant project, and capital project ordinance amendments <br />for'fiscal year2004-05 for Social Services, Department on Aging, Miscellaneous, Environment <br />and Resource Conservation, Planning and Inspections, and Emergency Managemen#. <br />~ Final Report on the Functions and Responsibilities of the Orange County <br />Department of Human Rights and Relations <br />Theis.. item was removed. and placed at the end of-the consent agenda for separate <br />consideration. <br />h. Petition for Addition of Subdivision Roads to the NC Secondary Road System.: <br />The Board approved a request to add portions of two subdivision roads, Booth Road: and <br />Amber Wood Run, to'the state-maintained Secondary Road System <br />`. Reftnancing BB&T Installment Purchase Agreements> <br />The Board adopted the resolution, which is incorporated by reference, approving a <br />modification agreement. for installment purchase contracts entered into with BB&T to finance <br />school facilities that will result in savings to the-County, and authorized the Chair and Finance <br />Director to sign. <br />L Consultant Services - Conso idated Housing Plan'20Q5-2009 <br />'The Board awarded. a contract forconsuiting service to Training and Development <br />Associates, Inc.. for the development of a Consolidated Housing Plan and. a Comprehensive <br />Housing Strategy for Orange County and authorized the Chairto sign contingent upon final:.: <br />review by staff and the County Attorney. <br />k. Contract with Peterson, Raymond and Associates f PRAI`to Conduct a Process` <br />ASC (Treatment Accountability for Safer Communi <br />Orange-Chatham Justice Partnership <br />The Board".approved a letter of agreement for consultation services to assess and. <br />evaluate he Treatment Accountability for Safer Communities (TASC) Program (previously know <br />as Treatment Alternatives to Street Crime) in order o adva ce and improve the overall work of <br />the Orange-Chatham Justice Partnership (OCJP) and: authorized the Chairto sign pending final <br />review and approval by staff-..and the County Attorney. <br />'1. Change in BUCG Reaulac:Meeting Schedule <br />