Orange County NC Website
12.R[(;H'T OF ENTItI', RESTORATION AND INUE:~1NITt: Bu4•er and Buyer's agents and contractors shall ha~the right to <br />enter upon the Property. for the purpose of appraising the I'roprrt~. lend performing the tests anti inspections pern~itted in this contract. <br />If Buyer terrnina[es this contract as provided herein. Buyer shall, at Buyer's expense. restilre the Propem~ to substanrally its pre-entry <br />cunditiirn ~.~ ithin thim dais of contract terntinauun. Bu~~er a ill ir;denuuf•~ and hold Seller harmless f~mm all loss.:.t<;na_e. i:laints. suits <br />~~r Cl'lciti- ~1 hl~h drl~e Out Ot 3114 l'Ontrai''t, aBrecmerlt, i1r Ii_IUR t0 -:fib pelSiln t)C prtipertA ati 8 rCSUiI Ot 3n\ ,3Ct1AI:ICS Ut Li 11~Cr 1r1 c7 <br />,it;~~r~s a~_enCS :.,td CC~nIrlCtOrS Cc'l3tln'_ lt~ tl'~C~I'Ct~herty. ~? _, Iridettlni`. ~liail SUrv14~e thlti C(~n(r,:el and a`l~ ,.::IIn:SrI0r1 }tereCif <br />r L 1 1'1 ~_ l l:~ i f l_ ~ 1_ f <br />\O.'•~ahCl .t~. tjln~ i`~~ tt~r< ~la'_ ~Zll.r Jhall }'~ R'~l`Un~:: It? Icy',-. lV~> ~_~„I;: _ ~`., I!t1. ~l!Ir O J~ ~a-~ > >: ti "f ~r ~i-.1~ li!UII~ <br />+1 the I'rt~-~c'rt~ ,.^d ~~r cut u' Seller's net I;~`erli'~ i~ ;~ i.i' , :it i. ,x~~r'.~ <br />Iz.oTl}E_}~ i'xt>~~I~IONS :AND cc)~~urrlt,~'~. ills ti{vl ~t_I. al>li}~til)~ r~? rlll~ ~"~~~.r{~RC~r ~~:D ~„"~ null F,} ~I~,~~, : <br />1~3. KISh OE LOSti: l~he risk of loss ur dama~~u 't~ti tiro ur utf?rr ~:?sua!t~ prir~r ti.1 Clirsin~_ shall be upon Seller_ <br />1~.:~Sti1GN~lE~`hS: 1-his contract may not b~ ,ssi~ncti :~irh~~ut the ~.~ritten ci,nscnt o1 all parties- but it assi~ne~i 't~~_ .r~rremrnt. then <br />this contrltt ;hall hr hindin~~ on the assr~~ner ar.d his heirs ::n~1 utcc~c?rs. <br />16. PARTIES: Ihis contract shall be bntdut~~ open and shell inure to the benel;t of the parties. i.e.. Buser and Selle- and their heirs. <br />successors arts assigns. As used herein. ~tiords in the sinuular include ;he plural an~7 the masculine includes the f~n-inine and neuter <br />Benders. as appropriate. <br />17. SURVIVAL: If am~ provision herein contained which by its nature and eft-ect is required to he observed. kept ur perfbrnted after <br />the Closing, it shall survive the Closing and remain binding upon and for the benefit of the panics hereto until ti1114 obsen~ed. kept or <br />performed <br />I8. ENTIRE AGREE~IEN"f: This contract ct?nrtins the entire agreement of the parries and there are no representations. inducements <br />or other provisions other than those expressed herein. All chan~~es.:tdditions or deletions hereto must be in writing and signed by all <br />parries. Nothing contained herein shall alter any agreement between a REALTORk or broker and Seller or Buyer as contained in any <br />listing agreement, buffer a~Bency agreement, or anti• other agency agreement bet~~een them. <br />19. NOTICE AND E\ECUTION: Any notice or communicat on tii he ~i~en to a pam herein Wray be given to the pane ur to wch <br />parry's a~Brnt. phis after shall become a bindin~~ contract lthe 'E.'.ffecti~r Date"I ~~hen signed b~ both Buyer and Seller and sueh siknin_ <br />is communicated to the otl-Bring pam. "This cor?tract is executed under peal in signed multiple originals. all of ~~hich to_ether constitute <br />one and the same instrument, with a signed original being retained by each pang and each RE;IL,TORk~ or broker hereto. and the <br />parties adopt the word "SEAL" beside their signa[ures below. - <br />Buyer acknoµ ledges having made an on-site personal examination o(the Nroperty prior to the making o(this offer. <br />"}-HE NORTIi CAROLINA ASSOCIATION OF RE:\LTORSh, INC. ;1ND TFIE NORTH CAROLINA BAR ASSOCIATtON MAKE <br />NO REPRESEN'T:1T10N AS TO THE LEGAL VALIDITY OR .ADEQUACY OF ,ANY PROVISION OF THIS FORM IN ANY <br />SPECIFIC 1-KANSACTION. 1F YOU DO NOT UNUERSI-A`D TF{IS FORM OR FEEL -T-}IAT IT DOES NO'r PROVIDE FOR <br />Y"OUR LEGAL NEEDS, YOU SFTOULD CONSULT A NORTH CAROLINA REAL ESTATE A"1-TORNEI' BEFORE YOU S[GN <br />IT. <br />Date: Date: I i' - ~ .~ _ C. ~-. <br />Buyer <br />Date <br />Buyer <br />Orange County <br />i, <br />/' i <br />(SLAL.j Srf1E.r~- / " ~ ..=-1---~ z ~._ (SEALi <br />Lewis W. Crabtree <br />Date: <br />(SERL.) Seiler <br />Faye Crabtree <br />tSEAL~ <br />Escrow Agent acknowledges receipt of the earnest mono} and agrees to hold and disburse the same in accordance with the <br />teens hereof. <br />Date: December 2 , 2006 Finn: Churton Street Real <br />3~ <br />(Si~~nature) <br />Selling ;1~enc'Fintt P}1or1e David laird <br />:acting as ^ Bu_vcr~s Agent ~ Seller-; rsub):~~arnt ^ Uual A~a~nt <br />Individual license -~: 227709 <br />Llstln~ A'~Cn4'FIr;1L Phl1r1C David Baird <br />Actin_as ^ Sellcr's(sub)Agent ^ Dual:lgent <br />Individual license ~: 227709 <br />Pa~_e -t i>f-t ST:GNU:~R}) FOR11 12 - T <br />,c 7 ~? U06 <br />D•n:~:~rc.~ ~..,,,n ~. f.~.r-~.'~ by RF FnrmsNet LtC '..~~`_ F.Y,cce rat-.e R., a,',. C ,~r~ low^.5^ p, Michigan 46035 •r{J.•fr Z~.form_C'T~ ~. rihuer <br />