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11. The owner/applicant shall install a water withdrawal signage for emergency fire <br />suppression in Moore Pond (a private pond) off of Deerfield Trail with signage <br />acceptable to the Orange County Fire Marshal. <br />12. The owner shall file, with the Planning Department and record with the Final Plat, a <br />declaration of covenants and restrictions, articles of incorporation, where required, and/or <br />by-laws, all as approved by the County Attorney, that will govern the maintenance and <br />control of the improvements as set forth in Article III-E of the Orange County <br />Subdivision Regulations. Said documents shall provide for ownership of open space and <br />the dedication of easements to access open space, in-lot POSA's, drainage easements and <br />buffers, for maintenance. <br />13. The maximum imperviousness surface coverage that maybe allocated to the 18 <br />individual conservation cluster subdivision lots shall be 115,869 square feet, plus 1.08 <br />acres on the Tanaka estate lot and 0.33 acres on the Cheek estae lot, as noted in the <br />Impervious Data on Sheet C-1 of the Bennett-Andrews Preliminary Plan. This figure is <br />exclusive of Orchard Lane right-of--way. <br />14. The Final Plat(s) shall contain no reference to future subdivision of any of the lots shown <br />on the Preliminary Plan other than a note which may contain the substance of General <br />Note 16 shown on the Preliminary Plan. Further subdivision of the lots within the <br />conservation cluster portion of The Bennett-Andrews Subdivision is prohibited. <br />G. Certifications <br />1. The owner/applicant shall have notarized on the face of the Final Plat a Certificate of <br />Survey and Accuracy signed by a Professional Land Surveyor. <br />2. The owner/applicant shall sign a Certification of Declaration and Maintenance in the <br />form provided in Section V-D-6-b of the County Subdivision Regulations on the face of <br />the plat and shall record concurrently with the Final Plat a document describing <br />development restrictions. <br />3. The NCDOT shall certify that Orchard Trail has. been entirely constructed to NCDOT <br />standards or that construction plans have been approved before Planning Department <br />signatures on the Final Plat. <br />4. The Planning Department shall sign a Certificate of Approval. <br />NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Orange County Commissioners <br />that The Orchard Subdivision Preliminary Plan is approved in accordance with the above <br />mentioned conditions and attached Preliminary Plat, dated February 22, 2006, last revised on <br />October 20, 2006. <br />Upon motion of Commissioner seconded by Commissioner , <br />the foregoing resolution was adopted this the 'day of 2006. <br />I, Donna S. Baker, Clerk to the Board of Commissioners for the County of Orange, North <br />Carolina, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing is a true copy of so much of the <br />