RES-2006-103 Bennett-Andrews Preliminary Plan
Board of County Commissioners
RES-2006-103 Bennett-Andrews Preliminary Plan
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Last modified
6/7/2011 10:43:38 AM
Creation date
9/24/2010 3:39:41 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
Document Type
Agenda Item
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cutting or other removal of any trees or other vegetation on individual lots is prohibited <br />as specified in Section IV-B-8-c of the Orange County Subdivision Regulations. <br />3. The owner/applicant shall provide a Type A Land Use Buffer along Orchard Trail and <br />Jones Ferry Road, as shown on the Preliminary Plan. The buffer shall be thirty feet <br />(30') wide and shall be composed of deciduous and/or evergreen vegetation, forming <br />semi-opaque intermittent visual obstructions from the ground to a height of at least <br />thirty feet (30'). Said buffer shall be so noted on the plat, and detailed in a document <br />describing development restrictions and requirements prepared by Planning <br />Department staff and recorded concurrently with the Final Plat. The owner/applicant <br />shall convey the thirty-foot (30') buffer easement along Orchard Trail and Jones Ferry <br />Road to the Homeowner's Association (HOA) for enforcement and maintenance. <br />4. The stream buffer areas along the rear of Lots 10, 11, and 12 as shown on the <br />preliminary plat shall have similar development limitations and permitted uses. as the <br />adjacent HOA open space. <br />D. Drainage <br />Locate all drainage easements on the Final Plat, as required following Erosion Control <br />Plan review and approval. <br />2. The owner/applicant shall size and locate all drainage culverts as required by NCDOT <br />and a North Carolina licensed Professional Engineer. <br />E. Parkland <br />1. The developer has offered and shall dedicate a total of 29.08 acres of open space; 26.22 <br />acres to be owned and maintained by the Homeowner's Association(s), and 2.86 acres of <br />primary open space located in the northern most corner of the property to be owned by <br />Orange County. The publicly dedicated property shall be connected to the 50 feet wide <br />future public road "stubout" corridor shown on the Preliminary Plan. The open space <br />shall be shown and labeled accordingly on the final plat. <br />2. The owner/applicant shall designate recreational space as specified in Section IV-B-7-b <br />of the County Subdivision Regulations and in Article in the Zoning Ordinance. <br />The total recreation space required for this development is 2.38 acres. The <br />recreation space requirement is satisfied by the 2.86 acres of public open space dedicated <br />to the County, together with the 8.67 acres of private recreation area to be maintained by <br />the HOA. The 8.67 acres of private recreation space shall be shown and labeled <br />appropriately on the final plat. The approximately 46001inear feet long footpath shown <br />on the Landscape Plan shall be constructed by the developer. <br />3. The owner/applicant shall obtain an approved NCDOT encroachment agreement for the <br />footpath that falls within the •Orchard Trail right-of--way before construction of the <br />footpath. <br />4. No activities are allowed in prescribed open space, except recreational facilities. <br />
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