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exceed the $450 per• hour maximum explained in the grant gurdance.. <br />2. $313,328 CML Relay Switch- a telephone switch which provides an <br />interface between the 9-1-1 franked telephone lines and other standard emergency <br />and administrative phone lines between and among the emergency operator positions. The <br />switch will also interface with the ALI (Automatic Location Information) databases to <br />provide caller location to the various positions, digital recorder and Geographic Information <br />System (GIS) computers. The switch is used to receive, process and locate emergency calls. <br />3 • $48,690 for two (2) 20 KVA Ilninterruptable Pawer• Supplies (LTPS) for backup power for <br />interoperable communications equipment to provide surge protection for critical equipment, <br />reduce brownout effects and provide a temporary source of backup power until the facility <br />generator activates.. This equipment will also provide a tertiazy power source in the event <br />the facility emergency generator fails to activate, thus allowing staff the time to effect repairs <br />on the backup generator as necessazy without compromising emergency services. <br />4.. $75,555 for twenty-three (23) 800 MHz portable radios in addition to the radios initially <br />budgeted in the grant to provide emergency responders in the field intex•operable <br />communications amongsf responders and the dispatch center . <br />Thank you for considering this reprogram request and we az•e willing to provide any <br />necessary supporting documentation you or the COPS office may require.. <br />We greatly appreciate your continued support and assistance you have provided serving as <br />our• grant manager for this project . <br />Sincex•ely, <br />Jack Ball <br />Director <br />