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personal injury or death, and property damage; and Professional Liability Insurance, covering <br />personal injury, bodily injury and property damage and claims arising out of or related to the <br />performance under this Agreement by the Consultant or his agents, Consultants and employees. <br />7.1.2 The minimum insurance rating for any company insuring the Consultant shall be <br />Best's A-. If the Consultant does not meet the insurance requirements, it is suggested that the <br />County's Risk Manager be consulted prior to finalizing this Agreement. <br />7.2 Limits of Coverage <br />7.2.1 Minimum limits of insurance coverage shall be as follows: <br />INSURANCE DESCRIPTION MINIMUM REQUIRED COVERAGE <br />• Worker's Compensation Limits for Coverage A -Statutory State of N.C. <br />Coverage B -Employers Liability <br />$500,000 each accident and policy limit and disease each <br />employee <br />• Commercial General Liability $1,000,000 Each Occurrence; $2,000,000 Aggregate. <br />• Automobile Liability Combined Single Limit $500,000 <br /> <br />7.2.2 All insurance policies (with the exception of Worker's Compensation and <br />Professional Liability) required under this Agreement shall name the County as an additional <br />insured party. Evidence of such insurance shall be furnished to the County, together with <br />evidence that each policy provides that the County shall receive not less than thirty (30) days <br />prior written notice of any cancellation, non-renewal or reduction of coverage. <br />7.3 Indemnity <br />7.3.1 The Consultant agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the County from all loss, <br />liability, claims or expense, including attorney's fees, arising out of or related to the Project and <br />arising from bodily injury including death or property damage to any person or persons caused in <br />whole or in part by the negligence or misconduct of the Consultant except to the extent same are <br />caused by the negligence or willful misconduct of the County. It is the intent of this provision to <br />require the Consultant to indemnify the County to the fullest extent permitted under North <br />Carolina law. <br />ARTICLE 8 AMENDMENTS TO THE AGREEMENT <br />8.1 Changes in Basic Services <br />8.1.1 Changes in the Basic Services and entitlement to additional compensation or a <br />change in duration of this Agreement shall be made by a written Amendment to this Agreement <br />executed by the County and the Consultant. The Consultant shall proceed to perform the <br />Services required by the Amendment only after receiving a fully executed Amendment from the <br />County. <br />Revised April 2010 <br />5 <br />