Orange County NC Website
V/C <br />of Agreement reflecting the Town's action to provide the local match for transit operations for <br />Federal Fiscal Years 2012 and 2013. <br />k. Appropriate Payment -in -Lieu Funds from the Parks and Open Space <br />Subdivision Payment -in -Lieu Fund and Approve Budget Amendment #1 A <br />The Board approved Budget Amendment #1 -A, appropriating $656,481 from the Parks and <br />Open Space Subdivision Payment -in -Lieu Fund, with $185,254 transferred to the County <br />Capital Projects Fund and $471,227 transferred to the General Fund. <br />5. Items Removed From Consent Agenda <br />g_ Resolution — Clarification of Federal Jurisdiction Under Clean Water Act <br />The Board considered a resolution asking Congress to re- establish the Clean Water Act <br />jurisdiction to the full scope of waters protected and resolve Clean Water Act jurisdiction issues. <br />Commissioner Yuhasz said that this basically says that the Federal Clean Water Act <br />and the agencies enforcing it do not have jurisdiction over every ditch and depression that may <br />hold water after a rain. He agrees with that and that it is excessive regulation. For that reason, <br />he thinks that this is not a wise resolution and he would like to vote against it. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Pelissier, seconded by Commissioner Jacobs to <br />approve the resolution, which is incorporated by reference, and direct the Clerk to the Board to <br />send copies to North Carolina's federal delegation and the Conservation Leaders Network. <br />VOTE: Ayes, 6; No, 1 (Commissioner Yuhasz) <br />6. Public Hearings <br />a. Orange Co. Community Development (CDBG) Program — NC Economic <br />Recovery Program Application for $500,000 <br />The Board considered authorizing the submission of an application to the N.C. <br />Department of Commerce for Small Cities Community Development Block Grant Program funds <br />from the NC CDBG Economic Recovery Program in the amount of $500,000 and authorizing <br />the Chair to sign. <br />Shoshannah Sayers from the Housing, Human Rights, and Community Development <br />Department introduced this item. The County applied for these funds in June, 2009. The funds <br />were to be used for housing rehabilitation, replacement housing, and emergency repair <br />activities. Last year's application was unsuccessful, but the Department of Commerce has <br />invited Orange County to apply again for this year's funding. The $500,000, if awarded will be <br />allocated as follows: <br />Housing Rehabilitation $359,000 <br />Urgent Repair $100,000 <br />Clearance /Relocation $ 16,000 <br />Program Administration $ 25,000 <br />The funds will serve approximately 20 homeowners with housing repair needs. <br />No public comment. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Hemminger, seconded by Commissioner Nelson <br />to authorize the submission of an application to the N.C. Department of Commerce for Small <br />Cities Community Development Block Grant Program funds from the NC CDBG Economic <br />Recovery Program in the amount of $500,000 and authorize the Chair to sign. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />7. Regular Agenda <br />a. Future Provision of Dental Clinical Services <br />