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12 <br />I MINUTES <br />2 ORANGE COUNTY PLANNING BOARD <br />3 SEPTEMBER 6, 2006 <br />4 REGULAR MEETING <br />5 <br />6 MEMBERS PRESENT: Jay Bryan, Chapel Hill Representative (Chair); Brian Dobyns, Cheeks <br />7 Township Representative; Craufurd Goodwin, Hillsborough Representative; Michelle <br />8 Kempinski, Cedar Grove Township At- Large; Joel Knight, Little River Representative; <br />9 Bernadette Pelissier, Bingham Representative; Sandra Quinn, Eno Representative; Renee Price - <br />10 Saunders, Hillsborough Representative (Vice- Chair); Jeff Schmitt, Cedar Grove Township At- <br />11 Large; Judith Wegner, Bingham Township At -Large <br />12 <br />13 MEMBERS ABSENT: Brian Crawford, Eno Township At- Large; Sam Lasris, Cedar Grove <br />14 Township At -Large <br />15 <br />16 OTHERS PRESENT: Craig Benedict, Planning Director; Robert Davis, Current Planning <br />17 Supervisor; Tom Altieri, Comprehensive Planning Supervisor; Glenn Bowles, Planner II; <br />18 Jennifer Leaf, Planner. I; Sherri Ingersoll, Administrative Assistant II; Brian Carson, GIS <br />19 Technician; Allan Rosen, citizen; Rick Perry, builder /developer <br />20 <br />21 AGENDA ITEM #11 - WATERSHED BOUNDARY DISCUSSION <br />22 <br />23 Craig Benedict: This issue may have to spin off into a special subcommittee. This item is based <br />24 on a recommendation that the Board of Adjustment made about a month ago where there was a <br />25 challenge of the boundary line of the Critical Area of the Upper Eno Watershed versus the <br />26 Protected Area. Staff ruled one way and the applicant disagreed. The BOA agreed with the <br />27 Staff determination, and recommended that the Planning Board and the BOCC understand the <br />28 issue. <br />29 (PowerPoint presentation) <br />30 <br />31 Presently, our Zoning Ordinance section 4.2.27 describes the Upper Eno Critical Area as `%z mile <br />32 from the normal pool of Lake Orange, Corporation Lake and potential reservoir sites in the West <br />33 Fork of the Upper Eno and Seven Mile Creek or the ridgeline of the watershed, whichever is <br />34 less.' We also have a map that was created in 1994, which attempted to take this text and put it <br />35 on a map. Since 1994, the map.and the text describe two different things. For example, Lake <br />36 Ben Johnston is not listed, but yet we have it buffered. The Upper Eno impoundment above <br />37 McGowan Creek is on the map, but not described. Which should we go by? It was <br />38 recommended by Staff and the County Attorney that even though there is interpretation ability <br />39 possible by the Zoning Officer to try to reconcile differences, that it's better to clarify the text to <br />40 conform to the map. Otherwise, if we change the map to a large degree, there's a large <br />41 notification problem. <br />42 <br />43 The issue really goes back to 1984. In 1984 when they did the West Orange Reservoir Study, <br />44 they mentioned interflow, which is• different. It will be easier to modify the text, because we <br />45 don't need to notify residents. Then, if there's interest, the map may need to be changed to <br />12 <br />