Orange County NC Website
Attachment 2 <br />(4) <br />Proposal by the Dispute Settlement Center (DSC) to Provide Consultation and Meeting <br />Facilitation in Support of Orange County's Comprehensive Plan Update Process <br />November 1, 2006 <br />This proposal is based on discussions between DSC, Craig Benedict, and Tom Altieri in <br />which they shared the Comprehensive Plan Update Process (approved by BOCC 10/03/06) <br />and the Draft Comprehensive Plan Update Timetable (revised 10/09/06). According to <br />Benedict and Altieri, the material they shared with DSC was based on direction from the <br />County Commissioners and subsequent meetings with County Administration, Planning <br />Board Chair and Planning Staff as the Commissioners had suggested. <br />DSC proposes to support the County's efforts at updating the Comprehensive Plan by <br />providing consultation and facilitation services to the Project Management Team (County <br />Manager, Planning Director, Comprehensive Planning Supervisor, and Planning Board <br />Chair), so that the Comprehensive Plan Update Process will be well understood and <br />acceptable to all interested or affected stakeholders. <br />At a minimum, the stakeholders appear to be the Board of County Commissioners, the <br />Planning Director and his staff, the Planning Board, the Directors of Contributing (County) <br />Departments and their staff who participate in the process, the Element Lead Advisory <br />Boards, other County advisory boards and commissions that might or should participate in <br />the process, the Advisory Board Liaisons, the county's municipalities, neighboring counties, <br />major institutions located within Orange County (e.g., UNC), civic associations and private <br />sector interests that might or should participate in the process, and the public at large from <br />within Orange County. <br />The Project Management Team appears to be the primary steward of the process. It has <br />ultimate responsibility for ensuring that the key events within the Comprehensive Plan <br />update process will be well planned and well managed. DSC proposes to begin its process <br />consultation with the Project Management Team because the Team is accountable for the big <br />picture. <br />Andrew M. Sachs, Coordinator of DSC's Public Disputes Program, will be the lead <br />consultant and facilitator on this project. A statement of qualifications is appended to this <br />proposal. Other DSC personnel might be available as needed by the Project Management <br />Team, depending upon the schedules of the other personnel and resources (see proposed <br />budget, below). <br />Sachs will meet with the Project Management Team for as many times as is needed to <br />accomplish the following: <br />• To ensure that he and all Team members are well informed and aligned on all important <br />aspects of the Update Process, including the sequence of events, the timeframe, their own <br />roles, the roles of others, and the internal process by which the Team itself will operate <br />