Minutes 04-13-2010
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes 04-13-2010
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Last modified
3/9/2016 12:17:33 PM
Creation date
9/21/2010 2:18:38 PM
Meeting Type
Work Session
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Agenda - 04-13-2010
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7. Appointment Process: It was decided at the March 4th work session that only <br /> statutory board appointments would be filled. <br /> Decision Point: <br /> • Does the Board want other non-statutory board positions to be filled if ABCs are not <br /> achieving a quorum? And if so, what criteria are to be met? <br /> The Board decided not to proceed now with non-statutory board appointments <br /> • Implementation Date: Continue current policy. <br /> Commissioner Hemminger suggested waiting until September 1st and see what is left. <br /> Donna Baker said that she is sending out letters to applicants letting them know that <br /> the Board of County Commissioners is only making appointments to statutory boards at this <br /> time. <br /> This item of the ABC's is the only item on the June 10th work session. <br /> Commissioner Gordon asked that the County Commissioners get a list of the statutory <br /> boards. <br /> 8. Establish criteria for ABC policy using model policy: <br /> Attachment 5 - At the February 19th retreat, SOG consultant distributed a draft copy of <br /> a model ABC policy that could be implemented for a boards/commissions process. <br /> Decision Point: <br /> • Does the BOCC want staff to proceed to develop a similar policy process (using the <br /> attachment as a template) for Orange County ABCs? <br /> • If so, would the implementation be after the reorganization of the ABC process is <br /> completed? <br /> The Board asked that this model policy be condensed and discussed later. <br /> This item was deferred. <br /> Commissioner Hemminger asked if there were boards that pay their members and it <br /> was answered ABC Board (Alcohol Beverage Control Board), Board of Adjustment, and <br /> Equalization and Review. <br /> Frank Clifton said that there should be a consistent policy regarding reimbursement for <br /> travel and a stipend. <br /> Commissioner Pelissier asked Donna Baker to put the normal procedures in the blank <br /> spots and highlight the areas that would be different, such as orientation and training for <br /> boards. For example, there was discussion about whether or not an employee of Orange <br /> County should be appointed to a board, and that's a decision point. She suggested <br /> highlighting decision points. <br /> Commissioner Yuhasz made reference to the Board of Equalization and Review and <br /> said that when the Board of County Commissioners went through the assignments, he <br /> volunteered for this board, and shortly after that he was informed that it was not appropriate for <br /> him to sit on that board. He said that he noticed that rather than the recommended three <br /> members, sometimes there were only two members sitting on this board. When he asked <br /> about it he was told that the scheduled member could not attend and that the timeline was so <br /> short that the alternate could not attend. He said that he would be willing to serve as an <br /> alternate on short notice. He asked John Roberts about this. <br />
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