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Discussion ensued about having a designated person of each board and commission <br /> taking minutes and quick summaries. The alternative is to pay a staff person to take the <br /> minutes and this is expensive. <br /> Commissioner Yuhasz said that if the recording secretary is instructed to write the <br /> minutes in a short way, then it will serve the purpose of the short summary. When there is a <br /> statutory board that has to have more complete minutes, then there should be a separate <br /> quick summary. <br /> The Board agreed. <br /> 6. Annual Work Plan: At the March 4th work session:A motion was made by <br /> Commissioner Pelissier, seconded by Commissioner Jacobs to ask the internal advisory <br /> boards to come up with a work plan every year, and then at the end of the year, to tell the <br /> Board of County Commissioners what has been accomplished with a summary. Commissioner <br /> Jacobs amended the motion that the work plan should be consistent with the goals and <br /> objectives of the Board of County Commissioners. <br /> Attachment 4: In the past (last time used 2005), this was distributed to all ABCs 2-4 <br /> months prior to the annual BOCC retreat (usually held in January); information distributed in <br /> Sept/Oct to be returned to the Clerk's office by the end of November. <br /> Decision Points: <br /> • Does the BOCC want to proceed with an annual work plan for the ABCs and to be <br /> distributed on this schedule above or another proposed schedule? Yes <br /> • Does the BOCC want to add/delete/edit the work plan before actual usage? Yes <br /> • Does the BOCC want ABC attendees to present an oral report to the full board at their <br /> annual retreat? No <br /> • Implementation Date: September 1, 2010 <br /> Craig Benedict said that he expects a lot of comprehensive plan implementation ideas <br /> coming forward from a lot of the boards and commissions and he would like for the work plan <br /> to include some cross-referencing for the comprehensive plan. <br /> Commissioner Pelissier agreed and said that there should be communication between <br /> the different advisory boards. <br /> Craig Benedict said that there is a form for the Planning Board that has a place for who <br /> else is involved. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs said that in the past the budget indicated what directions the <br /> department was going to go in the next year and this would be the logical thing to do for a work <br /> plan. He thinks that it ought to be explicit that advisory boards should not do listening sessions <br /> or seek public comment until it comes to the Board with it. <br /> Regarding the ABC attendees, Donna Baker said that in the past only a handful of <br /> ABC's have presented. <br /> Commissioner Yuhasz said that, based on the work plan, that some ABC's could be <br /> invited. <br /> Commissioner Pelissier said that she would like to get a brief report summarizing what <br /> the ABC's have done for the year so that the accomplishments could be recognized. <br /> Donna Baker said that this could be part of the work plan, to plan for the future and to <br /> summarize what has been done. <br />