Orange County NC Website
3 <br />5. Parks and Open Space -Subdivision Payment-in-Lieu Funds <br />Funds Collected to Date (July 1, 2010): <br />$1,286,552 <br />..... ~a.t']~i. ~.Ji. Hr3;s .uF„~ .hl4.?~litil:;.... ......«...-1. ....c ~r , ... ~~.. . , F.. __~ .>n...+~..,1 .:.L-F. a ....», ... ». ~,_.~irt,, ...t5.. a. v. „~ ..3i <br />Expenditures Since April 2001 <br />Acquisition Amount Fiscal Year <br />Sevenmile Creek Preserve pt of Cheeks Dist Pk) $ 260,000 FY 02-06 <br />Future Twin Creeks / Moniese Nom Park $ 50,000 FY 02 <br />Future Blackwood Farm Park $ 117,000 FY 05 <br />Cedar Grove Park Vincent $ 11,481 FY 04 <br />Little River Park 8~ Natural Area -facilities $ 40,000 FY 04 <br />Future Millhouse Road Park $ 30,000 FY 05 <br />Cedar Grove Park - facilit construction $ 148,000 FY 08 <br />Fairview Park -facility construction $ 175,023 FY 10 <br />TOTAL $ 831,504 <br />Encumbered Funds /Acquisitions Under Negotiation <br />Planned Ac uisition/Construction Amount (est.) Fiscal Year <br />TOTAL $ - <br />Available Unencumbered Funds: Funds are collected by, and must be expended by, four <br />individual geographic park districts. The following is the estimate of available funds for each district <br />as of July 1, 2010. <br />District Amount <br />Northern Orange $ 57,878 <br />Cheeks/Hillsborough $ 96,866 <br />Bingham $ 177,958 <br />Cha el Hill Township $ 122,346 <br />TOTAL $ 455,048 <br />Note: Some small expenditures from the Fund occurred prior to 2000 and are not reflected here. <br />Projected Future Expenditures: The Parks and Open Space Subdivision Payment-in-Lieu program is designed <br />to provide funds to help purchase land and provide park/open space facilities for different areas of the County based <br />on location of the subdivision. Each new land subdivision pays an amount based on the number of lots created (or <br />may dedicate land, in some cases). The funds are paid into four geographic district accounts, and must be <br />expended in that district for parkland or open space acquisition or facilities, to serve the residents of the district. <br />If is anticipated that this funding source would in part help pay for the acquisition of lands for the future Northeast and <br />Bingham District Parks, as well as helping to pay for open space lands or facilities at existing or new parks. <br />