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In addition to accepting these funds, the Department of Social Services is requesting to <br />establish temporary positions to be used for the subsidized employment opportunities. Work <br />First participants could then be hired as county employees to work in certain departments in <br />the county and would therefore develop work habits and a work history that could be used in <br />seeking unsubsidized employment. Case management and job coaching would be made <br />available for these individuals and it is anticipated that the length of time in these positions <br />would be limited to no more than one year for any one participant. Some of the costs for the <br />salary and benefits would be paid through Work First funds and other costs would come from <br />existing salary line items. For example, Social Services would transfer some of its existing <br />temporary salary funds to help support participants who work at the agency. Other <br />departments with appropriate work assignments might also choose to participate in the <br />program. Similarly funds will be provided to private employers who create opportunities for <br />participants. <br />FINANCIAL IMPACT: The cost of the pilot project will be paid through the additional grant <br />form the Division of Social Services. No county funds are being requested for these services. <br />RECOMMENDATION: The Manager recommends that the Board accept the grant funds from <br />the Division of Social Services and allow Social Services to implement the strategies outlined <br />in the pilot proposal. <br />