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4 <br />provides utilization information and initial suggestions related to enhancing County <br />supplemental insurance benefits. • <br />7. Employee Leave <br />Permanent, full-time County employees are currently provided leave in the following manner: <br />T e of Leave Accrual Rate <br />Sick Leave 8 hours er month throu hout em to ment <br />Vacation Leave Monthly accrual based on years of service for each month the employee is in <br />a status for'/2 of the month, ran in from 96 to 230.4 hours a ear <br />Petty Leave 1.17 hours (70 minutes) per month; unused leave dissolves on June 30 of <br />each ear <br />Personal Leave 2 days per year received in January; unused leave dissolves on December 31 <br />of each ear rorated for new em to ees based on 6 months <br />As the County continues to move forward with automated time-keeping and self service <br />programs, changes to leave accruals are recommended in order to increase efficiencies. These <br />changes, as well as a summary of leave accruals provided by other. jurisdictions are shown in <br />Attachment 7. <br />Employee salaries are budgeted based on regularly scheduled work hours, regardless of <br />whether that salary is for actual work, holidays, or paid leave. Only when employees separate <br />from employment and are paid for vacation accruals (to a maximum of 240 hours) do the actual <br />hours accrued become an expense to the County. • <br />Employee benefits and compensation account for a large portion of the cost of providing <br />services to the public. A key factor to employee retention is that the county remain competitive <br />in employee compensation and benefits while also remaining aware of both current and past <br />employment benefit expenses upon budget. Additionally, in establishing a benefit there must <br />be a consideration of the financial impacts now, and the sustainability of such benefit going <br />forward. Providing a benefit and then withdrawing it has substantial negative influences on <br />employee morale. <br />FINANCIAL IMPACT: There is no financial impact to this discussion. <br />RECOMMENDATION(S): The Manager recommends that the Board discuss the update and <br />background information related to employee benefits. Specific recommendations for <br />consideration beginning January 2011 are that: <br />• Staff research- the feasibility of changing health insurance funding from Fully-Insured to <br />Self-Insured; <br />• The County contribution to health insurance continues at current levels (100% for <br />employee coverage; 52% subsidy for dependents, based on the lower cost plan) <br />• Reimbursement rates increase for Dental Claims; <br />• Staff research vendors for Supplemental Benefits; and <br />• Current petty, personal, and vacation leave accruals be combined into one leave type; <br />this combined leave is credited on a bi-weekly rather than monthly basis; and minimum • <br />leave usage requirements end. <br />