Orange County NC Website
10 <br />• Attachment 5 <br />FLEXIBLE SPENDING ACCOUNT OVERVIEW <br />Page <br />Employees may now contribute a maximum of $3,000 to the Medical Spending Account and up <br />to $5,000 to the Dependent/Child Care Spending Account each plan year. <br />Participation nearly doubled since 2008, due largely to the addition of a pre-paid debit card for <br />the Medical Spending Account in 2008. <br />Number of Participating Employees <br />Type of Account .2008 2009 2010 <br />Child Care Spending 12 12 12 <br />Account <br />Medical Spending <br /> 95 138 178 <br />Account <br />Health Care Reform will impact the medical spending account when over-the-counter <br />medications will require a prescription effective January 1, 2011. <br />• As part of the agreement with Mark III, administrative costs for the Flexible Spending Accounts <br />will be waived, for a cost savings of approximately $10,000. <br />No plan design changes are suggested for 2011. <br /> <br />