Agenda - 09-14-2010 - 2
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 09-14-2010 - Budget Work Session
Agenda - 09-14-2010 - 2
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Last modified
11/4/2015 3:08:15 PM
Creation date
9/14/2010 9:46:37 AM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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Agenda Item
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Minutes 09-14-2010
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To operate another full service branch of 20 - 23,000 sf, exclusive of central administrative and <br />• technical services, would require annual support of $964,000. The Cedar Grove Branch, which <br />was 1,200 sf, required annual personnel, operational and facilities support of $245,000. <br />It should also be noted that the 23,000 sq. ft. Mebane Library, located 11.5 miles from <br />Hillsborough was constructed and opened in 2006. This library serves the Mebane area and a <br />portion of the Efland Cheeks Township. <br />2) Purchase and Deploy Bookmobiles to Serve Rural Areas: Rural communities are regularly <br />served by bookmobiles that include several public Internet stations. These types of units <br />require an initial investment of at least $285,000 and annual personnel /operational support of <br />$105,000. The unit would be deployed on a weekly schedule to stop and stay a certain number <br />of hours at a specific location each week, allowing for consistency and continuity. Technologies <br />will always an issue when working within rural Orange County, as most current types of <br />equipment needed to support internet access on these mobile units requires a strong signal, <br />similar to a cell phone. <br />3) Purchase and Deploy Library Service Kiosks: The Library Director and staff also evaluated <br />the Kiosk model of delivering library service and two models are listed within the report. <br />Preliminary evaluations of these two systems suggested that kiosks are more suited to urban <br />areas with high traffic locations such as malls and subways. <br />4) Strengthen Collaboration and Reciprocal Relationships with Neighboring Town and County <br />• Libraries: The Library Director would also like to further explore our relationship with the <br />libraries in Durham and Alamance, particularly Mebane. Currently, the Alamance County <br />Libraries do not charge a fee for Orange County citizens to utilize their libraries. The Director <br />will begin a dialogue with both Durham and Alamance on possible collaborations for <br />programming, as well as reciprocal borrowing arrangements. <br />Hyconeechee Regional Library <br />This past July the Library Director met with the State Librarian, Mary Boone and Head of <br />Library Development Jennifer Pratt. The State Library is in the process of updating their <br />administrative rules and regulations governing Regional Libraries. Hyconeechee Regional <br />Library, which is comprised of Orange, Caswell and Person County Libraries, is one of 14 <br />regional libraries in North Carolina. Currently, Hyconeechee is the only regional system that <br />does not have afull-time Library Director and its own Fiscal Agent. Under the proposed <br />changes, Hyconeechee's arrangement would not be allowed under changes proposed by the <br />State. The report attached outlines the financial impact of State Aid for all three (3) counties and <br />more detailed analysis as it relates directly to Orange County. If Orange County decides to <br />withdraw from the regional system, a transition plan could be established to `hold harmless' <br />Caswell and Person while they seek sustainable alternatives for the future. If authorized by the <br />General Assembly, updated Administrative Rules and Regulations could become effective in <br />FY2011-12 with a minimum one year transition period. <br />• Interoperability <br />The Library Director was also asked to review Interoperability between the Chapel Hill Public <br />Library and the Orange County Library System. The report attached presents options for steps <br />
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