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Should the region dissolve, the State Library will work closely with Caswell and • <br />Person through the State grant process to help them acquire any needed <br />technology to upgrade their libraries. The State Librarian, Ms. Boone would <br />recommend that there continue to be a cooperative partnership with fees for at <br />least 2-3 years that would allow Person & Caswell to replace the services that <br />were provided by Orange, especially concerning support for the Polaris ILS <br />system. Other considerations could include continuation of the courier route and <br />free out of county cards for Person and Caswell residents. Obviously, if we <br />become astand-alone county system, then the county library could have its own <br />advisory board. <br />Create and present a Plan for Inter-Operability between CHPL & OCPL by <br />November 2012 <br />Ms. Campbell, our Systems Librarian, has put together information and charts <br />with plans on achieving varying levels of inter-operability between the 2 library <br />operating systems. The preliminary information from both vendors indicated that <br />there will be some costs associated with each option to both library systems. <br />The figures presented are current estimates based on conversions within the <br />next 2 years. It is a recommendation from the OCPL Director and Staff that all final <br />decisions on systems within 5 - 10 years should .have professional librarian <br />review and input based on system capabilities. <br />**For informational purposes, historically, the region (Caswell, Person and Orange) has • <br />been limited by the three participating counties' abilities to invest in a more robust <br />system. In 2004, Hyconeechee Regional Library transitioned from a DOS product <br />(Galaxy) to a Windows product (POLARIS). During the evaluation process, Millenium <br />was one of the products evaluated; however, the financial investment was a determinant <br />in the final decision to POLARIS. <br />Internal OCPL lnteroperability: <br />lnteroperability of automation systems, or at least a single card, within our own <br />system is essential for ease of use to our library patrons. Currently, the Carrboro <br />McDougle Branch is not on our POLARIS system, but rather uses the school <br />Sagebrush system. In an effort to prepare for the future Southwest Orange <br />Branch, Main has begun to catalog all new CBL materials in POLARIS. By <br />cataloguing items in POLARIS, the move to a new facility will be a quick <br />transition. In addition, beginning in August 2010, all Library patrons in Orange <br />Library system were issued the exact same card for Main, Cybrary and now <br />Carrboro McDougle. This new procedure will allow patrons to have just one card <br />for all Orange County Libraries. Unfortunately, until Carrboro McDougle is using <br />POLARIS, there are still two catalogs and two patron accounts, but it is a step in <br />the right direction toward interoperability. <br />Current Situation: Currently OCPL and CHPL are on two separate systems. A patron <br />may have an account with both systems; however, you cannot view both catalogs and <br />accounts at the same time. In addition, there differing policies and procedures for OCPL • <br />and CHPL for loaning periods, fees, and fines. <br />Pg 6 <br />