Orange County NC Website
Draft <br /> Table 1-c Administration/Environmental Su ort Eg enditures <br /> Item 2008-09 Actual 2009-10 A roved Bud et <br /> Personnel 504,403 499,886 <br /> O erations 1,013,902 899,918 <br /> Ca itaUContribution to Reserves 404,454 7,683 <br /> Tota.l 1,922,759 1,406,487 <br /> Table 1-d Rec clin Ex enditures <br /> Item 2008-09 Actual 2009-10 A roved Bud et <br /> Personnel 823,446 871,714 <br /> O erations 2,739,063 1,732,063 <br /> Ca itaUContribution to reserves 1,260,833 379,306 <br /> Total 4,066,782 2,983,083 <br /> Table 1-e Sanitation Ex enditures <br /> Item 2008-09 Actual 2009-10 A roved Bud et <br /> Personnel 863,957 911,683 <br /> O erations 1,417,555 1,328,373 <br /> Ca itaUContribution to reserves 21,936 -- <br /> Total 2,303,448 2,240,056 <br /> Solid Waste Tonna�e Managed at the Oran e�untv Landfill FY 2008-09 <br /> During FY 2008-09,the Orange County landfill accepted for buria173,943 tons of waste <br /> including 50,760 tons of MSW and 10,992 tons of C&D that includes mobile homes and inert <br /> debris, a reduction of 7%below the prior year's total of 79,316.Another 21,637 tons are reported <br /> as generated in Orange County were landfilled or processed out-of-county. See Table ES-1. <br /> For the past five years, including two years since the last plan update submittal, MSW tonnage <br /> generated averaged�63,186. In FY 2008-09 it was�65,987 with 50,760 landfilled in-County <br /> and 15,227 going out of County(Table ES-1). Reported out-of-county disposal rose during the <br /> past year. Over 5,000 tons from ITNC were delivered out of County after September 2008. <br /> Despite the overall tonnage increase in MSW, Orange County's waste reduction rate per capita <br /> was calculated at 54%for 2008-09,our best to date and third in the State. <br /> Table 1-f MSW landfilled in Oran e Co.and outside Oran e Co. 2004-OS to 2008-09 <br /> Year MSW in MSW out of County Total MSW landfilled from <br /> Coun Oran e Coun <br /> 2004-OS 56,308 6,498 62,806 <br /> 2005-06 57,568 4,153 61,721 <br /> 2006-07 57,301 5,555 62,856 <br /> 2007-08 55,422 7,138 62,560 <br /> 2008-09 50,760 15,227 (does not include the tons reported 65,987 <br /> as rec cled at mixed waste rocessors <br /> 21 <br />