2010-010 DEAPR - NC Dept of Ag & Consumer Services - Breeze Farm
Board of County Commissioners
Contracts and Agreements
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2010-010 DEAPR - NC Dept of Ag & Consumer Services - Breeze Farm
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Last modified
11/21/2018 10:50:18 AM
Creation date
9/10/2010 1:42:59 PM
Contract Starting Date
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Contract Document Type
Agenda Item
6/15/10; 4-e
Document Relationships
Agenda - 06-15-2010 - 4e
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\Board of County Commissioners\BOCC Agendas\2010's\2010\Agenda - 06-15-2010 - Regular Mtg.
R 2010-010 DEAPR - NC Dept of Agriculture & Consumer Services
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• 4. Grantee's Duties: <br />The Grantee shall conduct activities as described in Attachment B, Scope of Work, and in accordance with the <br />approved budget in Attachment C and the approved timeline in Attachment D. In addition, the Grantee shall complete <br />the activities as specified below. <br />a. The Grantee shall be responsible for the acquisition of all permits and licenses required in the performance of the <br />aforementioned activities as described in the Scope of Work and for ensuring compliance with all applicable <br />Federal, State, county, and local regulations. <br />b. The Grantee shall provide the Agency with a draft. "Conservation Easement." The Grantee shall include the <br />Conservation Easement Required Content, Attachment E, in this draft "Conservation Easement" and in the final <br />"Conservation Easement." The final "Conservation Easement" must meet with Agency approval to remain eligible <br />for funding. <br />c. The Grantee shall provide the Agency with two certified copies of the fully executed and properly recorded <br />"Conservation Easement." Prior to the receipt of these required documents, the Agency shall pay to the Grantee <br />no more than $25,000. Upon receipt of the two copies of the fully executed and properly recorded "Conservation <br />Easement," the Agency shall pay to the Grantee all remaining funds less 20% of the awarded grant amount (refer <br />to Line "e" of Grantee's Duties). <br />d. The Grantee shall provide the Agency with easement documentation reports, a copy of the title opinion, a copy of <br />.the land survey, and quarterly progress reports, both financial- and programmatic. In-kind and cash match shall be <br />apart of the required frnancial reports, and documentation of the reported match shall be included with the <br />reports. Documents shall be in the form of individual time sheets that have been signed by the individual <br />employee and approved by the appropriate supervisor, travel logs and invoices for in-kind match; copies of <br />checks, bank deposits and fund transfers for cash match. Other types of documents may be acceptable with the <br />approval of the Contract Administrator. <br />e. The Grantee shall also submit a final grant report. Included in the final report, the Grantee shall provide an <br />accounting of final match claimed by the Grantee to fulfill the match requirement mandated under N.C.G.S. <br />106-744 (c2). The Agency will retain 20% of the grant amount until this final report, including cash match and in- <br />kind documentation, is received and approved by the Agency. <br />f. The Grantee shall complete all reports in a prescribed format, which shall be provided by the Agency. Reports <br />and required documentation must be up-to-date in order for the Grantee to receive payments. <br />g. After recording the "Conservation Easement" in the Register of Deeds Office, the Grantee shall annually notify the <br />landowner and conduct a monitoring visit to the property to ensure that the easement agreement is being upheld. <br />If structures are permitted under the easement, the Grantee shall review plans and monitor construction for <br />compliance with the plans. In the event of a violation, the Grantee shall require voluntary correction, and if <br />necessary, take legal action to enforce the easement. The Grantee shall report its monitoring findings to the <br />Agency on an annual basis, by completing an "Annual Monitoring and Reporting Form," which will be provided to <br />the Grantee by the Agency. Should the "Annual Monitoring and Reporting Form" be made available to the <br />Grantee in electronic format, the Grantee shall complete the forms and submit them electronically on an annual <br />basis, and not later than December 31 of each year of the "Conservation Easement." The Grantee shall notify the <br />Agency within two weeks of the discovery date of any violations and of any non-compliance issues and provide <br />the Agency with corrective action to be taken. <br />h. All publicity and printed materials regarding projects or activities supported in whole or in part by this grant shall <br />contain the following language: "This project received support from the NC ADFP Trust Fund." The NC ADFP <br />Trust Fund logo (digital versions of which aan be downloaded from the NC ADFP Trust Fund website at <br /> shall be displayed in all of the Grantee's publicity and printed materials relating to this grant. <br />i. With easement purchases, the Grantee shall ensure that 153 acres are placed under an agricultural easement <br />with no more than a 5% variance in recorded easement acreage without prior written approval of the Agency. The <br />division of the funds used to purchase the agricultural easement from matching resources and Agency resources <br />must be maintained as noted in Attachment C. <br />5. Agency's Duties: <br />The Agency shall pay the Grantee in the manner and in the amounts specified in the Contract Documents. The total <br />amount .paid by the Agency to the Grantee under this Contract shall not exceed $150,000. This amount consists of <br />$150,000 in State funds. <br />[ ] a. There are no matching requirements from the Grantee. <br />[X] b. The Grantee's matching requirement is $45,000, which shall consist of: <br />MS&NCD Form 0009A Grant Cover Sheet. <br />Eff. 9/2005 <br />Revised 5/06, 7/07, 7/10 <br />CE <br />Revised 02/09 <br />Page 2 of 5 <br />
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