Orange County NC Website
C. Are other organizations, programs, projects, etc. serving this community need or these <br />community needs? If yes, how is this project differentlwhy is this project necessary? <br />Orange County intends to acquire the conservation easement through its Lands Legacy program, <br />which seeks to protect prime farmland and other highly important natural resource lands. Since <br />Lands Legacy was established in 2000 the County has acquired 13 agricultural conservation <br />easements that protect 1,277 acres of farmland. In all cases matching funds were contributed by <br />outside sources, including the federal FRPP program and the original NC Farmland Preservation <br />Trust Fund (2001). County funds for Lands Legacy and the purchase of conservation easements, <br />however have been depleted and will be severely limited in the future. <br />Nevertheless, Orange County has selected this project as a high priority to complete Phase 2 of the <br />Breeze farm easement project in which the County already invested funds in 2008 for Phase 1. <br />Completing this project is particularly important because of the high regard that Orange County <br />citizens have for Colonel William Breeze. His land conservation and stewardship efforts have been <br />recognized widely in the agricultural community, and his placing a conservation easement on this <br />farm will certainly influence others in the community to consider doing the same thing. <br />The Triangle Land Conservancy (TLC) and the Eno River Association also acquire conservation <br />easements in Orange County, but neither organization has purchased agricultural easements here <br />thus far. TLC was granted easement donations by the Nutters of Maple View Farm and by the <br />Earnhardts and Kuenzler families, but each of those farms is located in southern Orange County <br />(Cape Fear basin) which is a priority watershed for TLC. <br />D. Are there sustainability plans for the project? If yes, please describe. If not, please explain <br />why. (250 words or less) <br />When the larger farm passes to Colone! Breeze's children (Wm Breeze Jr. and Ann Breeze <br />Sebesan) both are expected to continue leasing the farm to area farmers. If they should ever sell <br />the farmland (encumbered by the easement) it would very likely be sold to a farmer interested in <br />continuing agricultural activities on prime farmland. Moreover the timberland on the property has <br />been managed since 1956 with assistance and guidance from the district forester and consulting <br />foresters (Bernard & Dryman Forestry), and since 1994 through the Forest Stewardship Program. <br />The proximity to the adjacent NC State agricultural extention and research facility (see enclosed <br />brochure) makes it an especially attractive location. Moreover, the farm is located in an agricultural <br />community with good access to farm markets. It is five miles from downtown Hillsborough (county <br />seat), which has two farmers markets and Weaver Street Market featuring locally-grown food. <br />Orange County is also working jointly with Alamance, Durham and Chatham counties to establish <br />the Piedmont Food and Agricultural Processing Center (awarded an ADFP Trust Fund grant in <br />2008) in Hillsborough, which would be a tremendous asset to area farmers. <br />Page 12 of 23 Easement Application <br />