Orange County NC Website
60 <br /> DIANE FAUCETTE who lives on Davis Road spoke about her concern of the <br /> State wanting so much right-of-way on both sides of the road. It would <br /> take her pond on one side and part of her house on the other. <br /> ANN NICHOLSON who lives on Davis Road is totally against the proposal <br /> for that road. She would like for her neighborhood to stay rural. • <br /> TOM NICHOLSON spoke in opposition of the proposal for Davis Road. He <br /> expressed concern about the State wanting a 100-foot right-of-way. <br /> JOE & LOIS TAYLOR live on Ode Turner Road and spoke in opposition of <br /> a freeway going through that area. <br /> WAYNE PATTERSON lives on Highland Loop Road and spoke in opposition <br /> of a road going through that area. <br /> TONY RALL spoke in opposition of the northern loop. He is concerned <br /> about the cost of the proposal. There is a pattern in southern cities <br /> that the growth is in the southern part of the city. He asked that the <br /> Commissioners say no to the transportation plan until the northern loop <br /> is deleted. DOT is not listening and by saying NO an impact may be <br /> made. <br /> NANCY SMITH lives on Highland Loop Road and is opposed to the <br /> proposal. She agreed with everything that Jack Knight said. She asked <br /> why they chose a road that would need a bridge since Lawrence Road <br /> already has an existing bridge. Mr. Norwood stated that the cost <br /> -:-- ` effectiveness of using the Bridge on Lawrence versus Brady Road is that <br /> they are trying to have both roads carry some of the traffic that would <br /> occur in that corridor. He feels that traffic will come in from the <br /> northeast along St. Mary's Road. One of the drawbacks on Lawrence Road <br /> is that the south end does not tie directly back into NC 86. Brady Road <br /> does tie into 86. They are considering the traffic that would be served <br /> and feel that the extra cost for the bridge can be justified. <br /> BETTY SMITH stated she agreed with the comments made by Jack Knight. <br /> She invited the Commissioners to drive this road. The homes on this <br /> road mean everything to them and she requested that the road not be put <br /> through that area. <br /> T. C. WILLIAMS owns land on Davis Road and hopes to build his <br /> retirement home there. He does not see the necessity of having a <br /> 100-foot right-of-way. He sees no need for a thoroughfare on that side <br /> of town. There are four lanes on 1-40 and there will be six lanes on <br /> I-85. <br /> PAT DAVIS spoke as a representative of the Economic Development <br /> Commission. In summary he stated that the proposal is sufficient to <br /> support the types of economic development that are envisioned by the <br /> Economic Development Strategic Plan. With reference to the road <br /> classification system, he supports the effort to develop a road <br /> classification system for the county and the effort to inventory all the <br /> public roadways within the County's jurisdiction. This will help <br /> develop an adequate transportation system over the long term. He made <br />