Orange County NC Website
Voluntary Title VI Public Involvement <br />Title VI of the Civil Right's Act of 1964 requires North Carolina Department of <br />_ Transportation to gather statistical data on participants and beneficiaries of the agency's <br />federal-aid highway programs and activities. The North Carolina Department of <br />Transportation collects information on race, color, national origin and gender of the <br />attendees to this public meeting to ensure the inclusion of all segments of the population <br />affected by a proposed project. <br />The North Carolina Department of Transportation wishes to clarify that this information <br />gathering process is completely voluntary and that you are not required to disclose the <br />statistical data requested in order to participate in this meeting. This form is a public <br />document. <br />The completed forms will be held on file at the North Carolina Department of <br />Transportation. For Further information regarding this process please contact Sharon <br />Lipscomb, the Title VI Manager at telephone number 919.508.1808 or email at <br /> <br />Project Nameā€¢ Date: <br />Meeting Location: _ <br />Name (please print) <br />Gender: <br />^ Male ^ Female <br />General ethnic identification categories (check one) <br /> Caucasian His anic American American Indian/Alaskan Native <br />^ African American ^ Asian/Pacific Islander Other: <br />Color: I National Urigm: <br />After you complete this form, please fold it and place it inside the designated box on the <br />registration table. <br />Thank you for your cooperation. <br />