ORD-2010-076 Second Reading: Emergency Services Franchise by Ordinance: AAA Transport, Inc.
Board of County Commissioners
Ordinance 2010-2019
ORD-2010-076 Second Reading: Emergency Services Franchise by Ordinance: AAA Transport, Inc.
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Last modified
11/4/2015 2:21:19 PM
Creation date
9/8/2010 10:01:42 AM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
Document Type
Agenda Item
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Agenda - 09-02-2010 - 4l
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\Board of County Commissioners\BOCC Agendas\2010's\2010\Agenda - 09-02-2010 - Regular Mtg.
Minutes 09-02-2010
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19 <br />g. Grantee shall comply with all applicable law and Grantor's policies and <br />procedures related to confidentiality of medical information, including <br />without limitation the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act <br />of 1996 (HIPAA). <br />Section 16. Termination Provisions <br />a. Grantee may terminate this Franchise with 60 days written notice to <br />Grantor and the Grantor may revoke the Franchise in the event of <br />noncompliance with the provisions of the EMS Ordinance or this <br />Franchise Agreement. After a notice of services termination is given, the <br />Grantee may reapply for a franchise if a continued service is desired. <br />b. Upon suspension, revocation, termination or a stay by the Emergency <br />Services Director of this Franchise, Grantee shall immediately cease all <br />operations authorized by this Franchise. <br />c. Upon suspension, revocation, termination of a driver's license such person <br />shall cease to dive an ambulance or other EMS Service Vehicle. Upon <br />suspension, revocation or termination of an attendant's certificate (i.e., <br />Medical Responder, EMT, EMT-I or EMT-P) by the Office of Emergency <br />Medical Services or by the Medical Director, such person shall cease to <br />attend patients or otherwise provide medical care. Grantee shall -not <br />permit the foregoing person to drive an ambulance or their EMS Service <br />Vehicle or provide medical care in conjunction with EMS Services, if <br />Grantee is found to have notice of or should have had notice of such <br />suspension, revocation or termination at the sole discretion of the Grantor <br />this shall terminate the Franchise and shall require a new application and a <br />new Franchise in conformance with all the requirements of the EMS <br />Franchise Ordinance, as amended and in effect at the time of franchising. <br />d. In the event that Grantee shall at any time during the Francluse desire to <br />sell any of the real or personal property identified in Exhibit F3 (hereinafter <br />"Asset" or "Assets"), which is hereby incorporated by reference, pursuant <br />to a bona fide offer to a bona fide offer which it shall have received, it <br />shall offer to sell any such Asset or Assets (hereafter "Asset or Assets for <br />Sale) to Grantor at the same process as that contained in such bona fide <br />offer. The offer to Grantor to sell an Asset shall be in writing and shall <br />include a copy of the bona fide offer. The offer to Grantor to ell an Asset <br />shall be in writing and shall include a copy of the bona fide offer for the <br />Asset received by the Grantee. Grantor shall have 60 days from and after <br />receipt thereof to decide whether or not to purchase the Asset or Assets for <br />Sale at such prove. If Grantor shall give notice of intent not to purchase or <br />shall give no notice within the time herein limited, Grantee may accept <br />such offer and proceed with the sale thereunder. If Grantor notifies <br />Grantee that it elects to purchase the Asset or Assets for Sale at such <br />AAA Transport, Inc. <br />EMS Franchise Agreement <br />
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