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34 <br /> Planner David Stancil gave an update of their activities. Responding to a <br /> directive from the Board of Commissioners about the feasibility of a public hearing <br /> some or all of the rural character strategies, the Committee determined that two pub::;' <br /> hearings will be necessary because the Rural Buffer strategies will require a Joint <br /> Public Hearing with the Towns. He suggested that this public hearing be held for the <br /> specific purpose of considering amendments to the Joint Planning Agreement and Joint. • <br /> Planning Area Land Use Plan that would be mandated by the RCSC's Conceptual Guidelines <br /> for the Rural Boundary. There could also be a separate Orange County Public Hearing on <br /> strategies for other areas. The study committee recommends that the RB strategies and <br /> accompanying Land Use amendment to the Land Use Plan be taken to public hearing in mid <br /> June and that the remainder of the County strategies be addressed in the fall. <br /> Clint Burklin, Chair of the Rural Character Committee, asked that the <br /> Commissioners restate their support for addressing the entire county and providing the <br /> additional time required to meet with citizen groups to gain their support. <br /> Commissioner Marshall stated her support for considering the Rural Buffer <br /> strategies first and considering the remainder of the strategies for the entire County at <br /> a later time. The Commissioners spoke in support of the process followed in recent <br /> months by this Committee and expressed the importance of proceeding with this process. <br /> Mr. Chockley spoke as a representative of the Cedar Grove area. He asked that <br /> an extension of time be given the Rural Character committee to resolve identified <br /> problems in the rural areas of the County. <br /> Mr. Victor Tripp expressed concern about the availability of affordable <br /> housing. He asked that no further restrictions be placed on the land so the rising cost <br /> in housing will come to a slowdown. <br /> D. PUBLIC RELATIONS/PUBLIC INFORMATION - PLANNING AND INSPECTIONS DEPT. <br /> Planning Director Marvin Collins presented an update, on initiatives taken <br /> the Planning & Inspections Department to enhance public relations and improve the qua_..._ . ' <br /> of service provided to citizens. They have worked hard at improving communications and <br /> the physical working environment. A copy of this report is in the permanent agenda file <br /> in the Clerk's office. Collins commended his staff for these new initiatives and <br /> stressed his commitment to continue to improve public relations on all levels. <br /> E. LOCAL GOVERNMENT VIDEO TAPE - TABLED <br /> X. ITEMS FOR DECISION - REGULAR AGENDA <br /> A. WORK PLAN FOR ESTABLISHING THE NEED FOR ADDITIONAL SENIOR CENTER SPACE IN <br /> CHAPEL HILL <br /> Betty Landsberger, Chair of the Advisory Board on Aging, briefly described the <br /> work plan for establishing the need for an additional Senior Center in Chapel Hill. At <br /> the County Commissioners' 1990-91 Goals/Objectives Retreat in January, they adopted the <br /> goal to determine the need for additional space in Chapel Hill for a senior citizens <br /> center. In response to this goal, the Department on Aging and the Aging Board worked <br /> together to formulate a work plan. She noted that it has been recognized that growth in <br /> the number of older citizens in Chapel Hill and throughout the entire County increases on <br /> a daily basis. Another point she made was that the older population is becoming more <br /> diverse all the time. There are a lot of people who are high energy and capable people <br /> who are working through the RSVP Program. The work plan proposes a joint Town of Chapel <br /> Hill and County Task Force and a plan of action with both a short term and long term <br /> objective. <br /> Commissioner Marshall suggested that since the goal is to meet the needs o. <br /> the urban population, the Carrboro Town Board and the Carrboro Parks and Recreation <br />