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PAGE" a <br />6.25 Development Standards for the Universi.tX Lake Watershed ULW District <br />Within the University Lake'Watershed (ULW) District, significant water <br />quality deterioration may be prevented by land use controls which reduce the <br />pollution from future development. For this reason, the new use of any land <br />or any new structure within the ULW district shall comply with the following <br />development standards: <br />6.25.1 inimum Lot Size Regulated <br />The minimum required lot size for any use in the University Lake Watershed <br />(ULW) District shall be five (5) acres except as may be permitted in Article <br />6.25.2 or Article 6.25.3. In addition, no residential development shall <br />exceed a density of one (1) dwelling unit per five (5) acres except as may <br />be permitted in Article 6.25.2. <br />6.25.2 Existing Lots of Record <br />a. Existing lots of record as of October 2, 1989 can be subdivided to <br />create up to five (5) lots of not less than two (2) acres in size; <br />provided, however, the remaining land shall be developed with a minimum <br />lot size of at least five (5) acres for each lot and at a density not to <br />exceed one (1) dwelling unit per five (5) acres of land area. <br />b. Existing lots of record as of October 1, 1989 that are less than five <br />(5) acres in size and which cannot be further subdivided can be <br />developed by the owner at the current lot size. <br />6.25.3 Cluster Alternative <br />Cluster developments are permitted, provided the minimum lot size for each <br />lot in the development is not less than one (1) acre, and the overall <br />density of the development, including the land area saved by lot size <br />reductions, does not exceed one (1) dwelling-unit per five (5) acres. <br />All land area saved by lot size reductions shall be-reserved as permanent <br />open space. If cluster open space'is'not dedicated for public -use;'it -shall <br />be subject to approved arrangements sufficient to assure its maintenance and <br />preservation. Such arrangements may include, but not to, the <br />conveyance of the open space to a local or regional land conservancy or a <br />homeowners association, provided the-subdivider shall record a declaration <br />of covenants and restrictions which prohibits further 'subdivision of the <br />open space as well-as its use for development purposes.' - - <br />If needed to control pollution loadings resulting from the runoff from <br />impervious surfaces in a cluster development, on-site wet detention basins <br />or ponds may be required. Where required, the design of such facilities <br />shall be based on the criteria set forth in the Final Report _ Universi <br />Lake Water Study dated March, 1989. Provision shall also be made for the <br />public inspection and maintenance of such :Facilities. <br />6.25.4 Impervious Surface Regulated <br />An impervious surface is a surface composed of any material which impedes or