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PAGE Z.6A <br />The intent of the University Lake Watershed (ULW) District is to apply a set of <br />regulations involving land use management practices which protect the watershed'by <br />reducing the pollution generated by future development. Since a major source-of <br />toxicants and nutrients are impervious surfaces such as roads, roof tops, and <br />driveways, land use management practices involving minimum lot size and imperious <br />surface restrictions control the amount and location of such surfaces. <br />b. Application Criteria <br />The University Lake Watershed (ULW) district is established as a district which <br />overlays other zoning districts established in this ordinance. The new use of any <br />land or any new structure within the ULW district shall comply with those <br />regulations applicable to the underlying zoning districts as well as the <br />requirements of the ULW district. Where the regulations of the ULW district <br />differ from those of the underlying districts or from other development standards <br />contained in this ordinance, the more restrictive shall apply. <br />1. This district will be applied to all land located within the University Lake <br />Watershed as designated in the Land Use Element of the Comprehensive Plan. <br />E. Amend Article 6.15.2 Interim Development Standards Approve d by rewriting subsection a <br />to read as follows: <br />a. University Lake Watershed <br />1. Area Affected - these standards shall apply to the University Lake Watershed. <br />2. Nature and Duration of Standards = The following interim development <br />standards shall apply <br />a) Community alternative treatment and disposal systems as well as public <br />water and sewer service will not be permitted in the University Lake <br />watershed except to--address a public by- <br />the Orange County Health Department. '_. -. - -. <br />b) By April 30;'1991, studies will be conducted to determine the <br />advisability of making public water and sewer services available within <br />the watershed. In addition, a pilot program for monitoring .and.- <br />inspecting alternative treatment and disposal- systems-as_operated by <br />the Orange County Health Department will be evaluated -to determine the <br />advisability of permitting such systems in the watershed. <br />e <br />C) Following receipt and review of the above mentioned studies, a decision <br />will be made regarding the use of alternative treatment and disposal <br />systems and the advisability of public water and sewer services in the <br />watershed. <br />H. Amend Article 6.25 Extra Re uirements for the Major Transportation Corridor MTC <br />District by renumbering the Article to 6.26 <br />G. Amend Article 6 by adding a new Article 6.25 Development Standards for the University <br />,ake Watershed ULW District to read as follows: