NS - Grant - CDBG Program – Language Access Plan
Board of County Commissioners
Contracts and Agreements
BOCC Grants
2010 - 2019
2010 Grants
NS - Grant - CDBG Program – Language Access Plan
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Last modified
4/15/2011 9:44:08 AM
Creation date
9/7/2010 3:24:57 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
Document Type
Agenda Item
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D. Documentation of Applicant/Recipient Case Records <br />1. The agency will maintain case record documentation in sufficient detail to <br />permit a reviewer to determine the agency's compliance with this policy. <br />2. The agency will ensure that case record documentation, including <br />computerized records if appropriate, identifies the applicants/recipient's <br />ethnic origin and primary language. In those cases where the <br />applicant/recipient is non-English speaking, the agency will: <br />a. Document the individual's acceptance or refusal of forms or other <br />written materials offered in the individual's primary language. <br />b. Document the method used to provide bilingual services, e.g., <br />assigned worker is bilingual, other bilingual employee acted as <br />interpreter, volunteer interpreter was used, or client provided <br />interpreter. When a minor is used as interpreter, the agency will <br />document the circumstances requiring temporary use of a minor <br />and will provide this information to DCA upon request. <br />3. Consent for the release of information will be obtained from <br />applicants/recipients when individuals other than agency employees are <br />used as interpreters and the case record will be so documented. <br />E. Staff Development and Training <br />1. The agency will provide staff training at new employee orientation and <br />continuing training programs. The training will include, but not be limited <br />to: <br />a. Language assistance policies and procedures, resources available fo <br />support such procedures, methods of effective use of interpreters, and <br />familiarization with the discrimination complaint process. <br />b. Cultural awareness information, including specific cultural <br />characteristics of the groups served by the agency to provide a better <br />understanding of, and sensitivity to; the various cultural groups to <br />ensure equal delivery of services. <br />2. The agency will provide or ensure training is provided for bilingual staff <br />and interpreters employed or utilized by the agency. This includes the <br />ethics of interpreting, including confidentiality; methods of interpreting; <br />orientation to the organization; specialized terminology used by the <br />agency; and cultural competency. <br />7 <br />8 <br />
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