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the Board to be specific about the time period that this tax would be in effect. He said that it <br /> should take care of immediate needs. He said that if it were used for economic development, <br /> it could help keep the property tax rate down in the future and would create more sales tax <br /> revenue. <br /> Will Raymond is a resident of Chapel Hill. He said that he has been watching the <br /> budget process. He commended the Board for making some tough cuts. He hopes that some <br /> of the local leadership can take a lesson from that. He said that he is not against the 1%-cent <br /> tax, but he thinks that there are some questions that must be answered before this is <br /> implemented. He asked how the money would be spent. Debt is reduction is very attractive. <br /> He also suggested human services. He said that the 1%-cent would affect the people who are <br /> struggling the most and that is why human services is an attractive place to put the money. He <br /> said that $2.4 million would not go very far in economic development or the school systems. <br /> He said that the bulk of this new revenue will come from the municipalities, but he understands <br /> that the municipalities will not directly share in this revenue. He suggested that the <br /> municipalities get at least some of the money. <br /> Aaron Nelson is President of the Chapel Hill Chamber of Commerce and said that his <br /> board will meet on Thursday to discuss whether to support this, but their Executive Committee <br /> has met and he has talked to business owners that are not in favor of this. He said that it <br /> would take a concerted effort to get voters to vote for this. He said that his board is open to <br /> this. <br /> Commissioner Hemminger said that she is in favor of putting this on the ballot, but she <br /> would rather have input from the public as to how to use these funds. She would like to <br /> engage the community. She would like to delay deciding how to use the funds until the staff <br /> has time to hear from different groups. <br /> Commissioner Nelson said that he is not a big fan of the sales tax, but he is willing to <br /> put this on a ballot. He would feel more comfortable with this if they used the revenue for <br /> economic development and debt service. <br /> Commissioner Yuhasz said that he believes the County needs this tax as another <br /> source of revenue and should commit to spending it on specific things, especially economic <br /> development and debt service. <br /> Commissioner Pelissier said that she supports putting this on the ballot. She would like <br /> a consensus that the Board of County Commissioners would want a portion of this to go to <br /> economic development. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs said that this is the second year in a row that the County did not <br /> raise the property tax rate. He said that this is one of the options the County has to replace <br /> raising taxes. He agrees with using this money for capital debt (schools and County), <br /> economic development, and libraries. <br /> Commissioner Gordon said that this is one of the options the State gave the County as <br /> part of the Medicaid swap. She is in support of putting this on the ballot and doing a neutral <br /> education campaign. She agrees with using the money for economic development, libraries, <br /> and schools, especially older school facilities. <br /> Chair Foushee said that she pledged her support for debt service and economic <br /> development. She agreed with Commissioner Hemminger about hearing more from the public <br /> on how to use the funds. <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner Hemminger, seconded by Commissioner <br /> Pelissier to: <br /> - Approve the Resolution Calling for a November 2, 2010 Special Advisory <br /> Referendum Concerning the Levy of a One-Quarter Cent County Sales and use <br />