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Commissioner Nelson said that there is $210,000 set aside for a southwest branch. <br /> The first part of the plan is to figure out where the money is going to come from and then to <br /> figure out the site. <br /> This action includes reconstituting the work group. <br /> cc. Efland Sewer New Customer Information Packet and Outreach <br /> The Board reviewed a "Community Public Sewer Program Package" and considered <br /> approving the Outreach Program for property owners in the area of the Efland Sewer <br /> expansion. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs said that he would like to communicate to the people on <br /> Buckhorn Road that there is a timeframe and that Buckhorn Road is included in it. <br /> Planning Director Craig Benedict said that the staff would do this. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs asked Craig Benedict to provide the County Commissioners with <br /> a history of discussions with the Orange-Alamance Water System. <br /> The Board agreed by consensus. <br /> Commissioner Gordon asked about the efficiencies of having a larger system since <br /> more people would be paying into it. <br /> Craig Benedict said that the statement that the larger the system, the more the costs <br /> can be spread out is true. There will be a study coming back in the fall about the break-even <br /> point. He said that the main thing is that the Efland system is very small and if the system is <br /> sent to another entity to maintain, the entity will want as many customers as possible. Part of <br /> growing the customer base is in anticipation to work with the Town of Hillsborough or the City <br /> of Mebane. <br /> Commissioner Gordon made reference to 1-a, and suggested leaving out one of the <br /> sentences, such as, "the rates have to increase in order to pay for the ever increasing costs of <br /> operations." She said that right now the County is not even recovering the cost of getting the <br /> treatment done in Hillsborough. She suggested saying something about this. She also <br /> suggested talking about the incentives before putting them in. <br /> Chair Foushee said that she supported the first two pages and Commissioner Gordon's <br /> point on page 1-a. She said that this first sentence is kind of harsh. <br /> Craig Benedict said that those sentences could be deleted or softened. <br /> Commissioner Yuhasz asked if there could be different rates for commercial properties <br /> than residential properties. <br /> Frank Clifton said that the rate structure should be based on a scale that impacts the <br /> biggest users of the system. One of the difficulties is that the County does not control the <br /> treatment costs. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs made reference to Commissioner Gordon's comments and said <br /> that the sentence she suggested leaving out could say, "the rates may increase...." He said <br /> that the word "incentives" is confusing. He suggested using "favorable financial consideration." <br /> Also, in the chart that says, "Connection Incentive," it could say, "Connection Consideration." <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner Gordon, seconded by Commissioner Jacobs to: <br /> -Acknowledge the concept of the "Community Public Sewer Program Package" as <br /> presented for distribution to potential customers in the Efland Community, with <br /> changes as discussed to paragraphs 3 and 4 (the sentence, "the rates may <br /> increase in order to pay for ever-increasing operation"will be reworked or deleted; <br /> and the sentence about incentives be changed to "favorable financial consideration" <br /> and "connection consideration'); <br />