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system, southwest library branch, central library in rural Orange, and the Chapel Hill Library). <br /> He thought this was what the motion was. <br /> Commissioner Nelson said that his understanding was that the motion as he stated it at <br /> the last meeting included the phrase, "including an increase in funding to the Chapel Hill <br /> Library System." <br /> Commissioner Yuhasz said that he does think the County Commissioners need to <br /> increase the funding to Chapel Hill and this should stay a part of the discussion, but Orange <br /> County does have its own library. If the Chapel Hill Library becomes a part of the Orange <br /> County Library System, then the County needs to support it. His concern is that if the County <br /> presupposes additional funding, then it is making a promise to the people of Chapel Hill that <br /> the funding increase will be made. He wants to be clear that this is not a continuing or <br /> permanent commitment to fund the Chapel Hill Library. <br /> Chair Foushee said that she agrees with what Commissioner Gordon brought forward, <br /> but a large part of the discussion was about how to move forward. She met with Mayor <br /> Kleinschmidt last Friday and they talked about how to move forward, understanding that there <br /> has to be an agreement between the Town of Chapel Hill and Orange County. She said that <br /> they proposed that the work group that has already been established continue to work to that <br /> effort and to expand the work group to include the Mayor, the Chair, and the two librarians. <br /> Frank Clifton said that the issue going forward with the Town of Chapel Hill should be <br /> covered by a Memorandum of Understanding that would be renewed every 3-5 years. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs said that he would welcome the participation of the Chair, Mayor, <br /> and Librarians, but he would also like the staff to work on this before meeting with Chapel Hill <br /> again. <br /> Commissioner Gordon read her interpretation of the motion: <br /> "A motion was made by Commissioner Nelson, seconded by Commissioner Gordon <br /> and then amended with a friendly amendment by Commissioner Yuhasz to develop a three- <br /> year plan that would identify a funding stream for Orange County library needs, including the <br /> southwest library branch, library branch in rural Orange, and including an increase in funding <br /> to the Chapel Hill Library system, and to develop a time-limited three to five-year Memorandum <br /> of Understanding that would include a formula that would address future County support for <br /> and potential future changes to the Chapel Hill Library system, (such as interoperability and <br /> effects that a southwest branch library would have on Chapel Hill Library non-resident usage), <br /> noting that funding is non-permanent." <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner Gordon, seconded by Commissioner Nelson to <br /> verify the above motion and develop a three-year plan that would identify the funding stream <br /> and do the MOU, adding that the work group be reconstituted. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs clarified that the motion was "to develop a three-year plan that <br /> would identify a funding stream for Orange County Library needs — Central Library, Southwest <br /> Library Branch, rural Orange, and Chapel Hill Library— and to develop....." <br /> Commissioner Nelson said that this would take out increased funding to Chapel Hill. <br /> Chair Foushee agreed that would be the effect. <br /> Commissioner Nelson said that the discussion was captured in the minutes and the <br /> details can be worked out in the three-year plan and the MOU. He thinks that the motion is <br /> fine. <br /> VOTE: Ayes, 5; Nay, 2 (Commissioner Yuhasz and Commissioner Jacobs) <br /> Commissioner Yuhasz said that he is not comfortable with pledging an increase at any <br /> cost. <br />