Orange County NC Website
~,g~ - S `~,;l~zoob <br />ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS b~ ~ <br />A RESOLUTION DIRECTING PLANNING STAFF TO PREPARE A RESPONSE TO <br />REQUEST BY PIEDMONT ELECTRIC MEMBERSHIP CORPORATION <br />WHEREAS, Piedmont Electric Membership Corporation located at 2500 NC Highway 86 South, <br />Hillsborough, North Carolina, has made application for construction of a new 350 foot <br />telecommunications tower to replace an existing 220 foot tower; and <br />WHEREAS, construction of said tower requires a rezoning and issuance of Class A Special Use <br />Permit by the Orange County Board of Commissioners; and <br />WHEREAS, issuance of Class A Special Use Permits must be preceded by a quasi judicial <br />public hearing conducted by the Orange County Board of Commissioners and Orange County <br />Planning Board: and <br />WHEREAS, Piedmont Electric Membership Corporation has requested a special public hearing <br />and expedited review process, citing such issues as homeland security, Federal Aviation <br />Administration permit expiration, potential co-location of emergency services communications <br />equipment, and a desire to complete construction prior to the onset of winter weather; and <br />WHEREAS, public hearings on special use and zoning petitions are generally held on a <br />quarterly schedule due to the logistics of adjoining property owner notification, newspaper legal <br />advertisements, agenda preparation, Planning Board attendance, and allowing ample time for <br />public comment; and <br />WHEREAS, the next scheduled quarterly public hearing date is November 20, 2006; and <br />WHEREAS, the Orange County Board of Commissioners desires to give full consideration to <br />the Piedmont Electric Membership Corporation request; <br />NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Orange County Board of Commissioners <br />directs the Orange County Planning Staff to prepare a proposed process and timeline for a <br />possible expedited public hearing to occur at a regular Board meeting prior to November 20, <br />2006; and <br />BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Planning Staff, in its review, also address the pros and <br />cons of the request, flight patterns of migratory birds, the number and distribution of similar <br />towers in the County, and such other issues as maybe added by the Orange County Board of <br />Commissioners in its consideration of this resolution. <br />Upon motion of Commissioner__~___ ,seconded by Commissioner <br />the foregoing resolution was adopted this the 22 day of August, 20 6. <br />I, Donna Baker, Clerk to the Board of Commissioners for the County of Orange, North Carolina, <br />DO HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing is a true copy of so much of the proceedings of said <br />Board at a meeting held on August 22, 2006, as relates in any way to the adoption of the <br />foregoing and t ~ ~ ~~~eedings are recorded in th ~ inutes of said Board. <br />WITNESS m ~ I of said County, this~da of~ 006. <br />.,. <br />.~ <br />(~ Clerk o the Board of Commissioners <br />