Orange County NC Website
_ __ _ __FINANCIAL IMPACT: As outlined above, the State awarded the Health Department $43,346 in <br />grant funds-for f`-fiscal yeas 200fi=07. -This funk`ing from fhe Smote isin addition to bounty un ing <br />and the department plans to use the grant funds to offset costs of temporary personnel and <br />pharmaceuticals. Due to the uncertainty of the State budget at the time of the County's budget <br />adoption, the continuation funds for fiscal year 2006-07 funds were not included in the Board <br />approved Health Department budget. Budget staff plans to include the receipt of these funds on <br />a future budget amendment for the Board's approval. <br />RECOMMENDATION (S): The Manager recommends that the Board accept the one-time <br />continuation grant funds and authorize the implementation of the grant. <br />~. <br />