Orange County NC Website
2. Design Development/Site Plan Approval <br />2.01 Prepare a detailed Site Plan package for approval by the Orange County Planning and <br />Engineering departments, showing all of the Phase One requirements including but not limited <br />to the following: <br />• Existing conditions showing zoning, resource protection ordinance requirements, setbacks, <br />buffers, and any tabular site data <br />• Preliminary General Demolition Plan showing structures, pavements and known utilities <br />to be removed/relocated <br />• Preliminary layout Plan of pavements, fields, pedestrian and vehicular circulation, <br />structures and other Phase One Improvements <br />• Preliminary Grading Plan for site, including spot elevations, Storm water Study, storm <br />drainage systems layout and support calculations <br />• Preliminary Erosion Control Plan detailing any NCDENR requirements <br />• Preliminary Utility Plan showing plan views of water and sewer connection to existing <br />system (System currently being designed and bid by Orange county) <br />• Preliminary Civil Related Site Details as required for Site Plan Approval <br />• Any supplementary storm drainage calculations and analysis as needed for Site Plan <br />Approval <br />• Preliminary Site Lighting Plan <br />• Preliminary Landscape Plan <br />2.02 Attend progress meetings with the Owner to coordinate site plan Drawings <br />2.03 Site visits as necessary to determine site conditions <br />2.04 Submit Plans to Orange County Planning Department for review and approval <br />2.05 Attend Staff Review Meetings <br />2.06 Revise Plans as necessary to receive Site Plan Approval <br />2.07 Develop Opinion of Probable Construction Costs. These estimates will be done in context with <br />period during which construction is expected to be occurring, so as to capture hyper- <br />inflationary construction environment we are currently experiencing. <br />3. Construction Documentation <br />3.01 Prepare plans, specifications and support calculations suitable for approvals, pricing and <br />Construction of site elements <br />^ General Demolition Plan showing structures, pavements and known utilities to be removed <br />and relocated <br />^ Layout Plan showing pedestrian and vehicular pavements, building locations, fields, <br />recreation areas <br />^ Grading and storm drainage plan including necessary storm water BMP's <br />^ Sports Fields including appurtenances, irrigation and design of water supply (well or <br />existing lake) <br />^ Site Lighting <br />^ Erosion Control Plan <br />^ Water and Sewer .Utility Plans including connection to existing water supply and <br />wastewater treatment facility, as well as a small sewer pump for the restrooms <br />^ Vehicular and Pedestrian pavements <br />^ Site Construction Details <br />^ Specify a combination picnic shelter/restroom building with associated water/sewer/power <br />connections <br />3.02 Prepare detailed plan profile drawings for on-site water and sanitary sewer design. <br />3.03 Design and documentation for stone drainage piping, erosion control and other support data and <br />details suitable for bidding, approval from all regulatory agencies (NCDOT, local engineering, <br />NCDENR) and construction. <br />3.04 Compliance with all design criteria's established by local, state and federal regulatory agencies <br />