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recommendations from the HSMT as a means for addressing them. <br /> John Link stated that the desired outcome frome meeting between HSAC and.HE-""., <br /> is that the linkage between these two committees will be strengthen and also the links <br /> between those in Chapel Hill and Carrboro will be stronger. <br /> It was decided that the Minimum Housing Ordinance needs to be reviewed for . . <br /> amendments that would make the ordinance more effective. <br /> SENIOR CITIZENS ADVISORY BOARD ON AGING <br /> Chairman Carey referred to the recommendation from the Senior Citizens Board for <br /> a senior citizens center in East Chapel Hill. <br /> Commissioner Marshall pointed out that municipal citizens require a higher level <br /> of service. People have needs but there are other needs -- true County needs. This is <br /> an enhancement that does not really fit into county mandates. <br /> Chairman Carey stated that the County will be consolidating senior citizen <br /> centers when the new Human Services Building is built. He is not convinced that a third <br /> site 'is something in which the County should play a significant role. The County could <br /> assist in operating a third facility if everything else was provided. He suggested <br /> forming a task force to study the recommendation and alternatives. <br /> It was decided that a county/municipal task force would be formed. This task <br /> force could identify the need and the scope of the service needs of a Senior Citizens <br /> Center in east Chapel Hill. Depending on the recommendation from the task force and the <br /> Board of Commissioners, the County would then determine its level of participation it n <br /> such a project. <br /> SWIMMING POOLS <br /> Commissioner Halkiotis informed the Board that the Recreation and Parks Advisory <br /> Council will be presenting to the Board a report on swimming pools along with statistics <br /> and costs. _ <br /> Commissioner Marshall noted that one of the most glaring capital needs the <br /> County has is to get a pool in northern Orange County. It was the top concern of the <br /> teen symposium] . There are very few places that don't have a public pool available for <br /> the citizens. <br /> • Chairman Carey stated that a plan needs to be in place by next year to include <br /> pool in the County' s long range plans. It was decided to incorporate a pool in the loni <br /> range planning. <br /> HEALTH <br /> In response to a question from Commissioner Halkiotis, Dan Reimer stated they <br /> are trying different ways to educate teens and preteens about pregnancy. They do have , <br /> grant to provide AIDS education and have reached a lot of people outside of the high <br /> school. It has enabled them to put on programs and to work on a one-on-one basis with <br /> many of the students. The federal money for family planning has decreased. There i t <br /> increase in STD and because the Health Department provides services for both STD anc <br />