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Commissioner Willhoit suggested that a survey be conducted to determine how many <br /> systems are actually failing and the specific kind of problems. He would like for the <br /> survey to be conducted before the discussion about fees aand regulations. <br /> Commissioner Hartwell feels that the County should go ahead and put in place <br /> something for the alternative community systems for which there is not any historical <br /> information on performance or failure of these systems. <br /> Commissioner Marshall pointed out that the absence of some enforcement policies now <br /> may mean that the County will later on have to step in and condemn those that are not in <br /> compliance and do a lot more enforcement than if a policy was already in place. <br /> Commissioner Willhoit feels it important to find out how many systems in Orange <br /> County are not in compliance because of failure to submit reports or because they do not <br /> meet state effluent requirements. <br /> Chairman Carey noted he is not yet convinced that the County needs to do any more <br /> than get the report that DEM prepares for the systems they have permitted. He does <br /> endorse moving ahead with the education program and with phasing in the systems as <br /> proposed on all levels. He asked for further discussion on where sludge is allowed to <br /> be spread in the County. <br /> Dan Reimer stated that it is important to have a system in place to be able to <br /> monitor the new systems and have some reasonable level of assurance that they will <br /> continue to function. <br /> It was decided that by the first meeting in February an update will be made on what <br /> DEM presently requires for monitoring and how it will apply to the monitoring program in <br /> Orange County. The program recommendations will be modified based on discussion with <br /> DEM and OWASA. The educational effort will be conducted through February and the Public <br /> Hearing will be held in March. A report will be presented the second meeting in January <br /> on the scope of a survey that will be conducted as suggested by Don Willhoit. <br /> Dan Reimer will report at the first meeting in February the amendments to the <br /> operation and maintenance program that can be pursued with systems three through 5 or 6 <br /> and the Board can then respond to the amendments and reach an agreement on whether to go <br /> with the program for alternative systems or not to go with the program. <br /> It was the consensus of the Board to expect a report back on February 5 and a <br /> proposal of costs for conducting a survey . <br /> F. ITEMS FOR DECISION. - CONSENT AGENDA <br /> Item F4 - Hemlock Drive was removed from the Consent Agenda and placed as item GO. <br /> Motion was made by Commissioner Marshall, seconded by Commissioner Hartwell to <br /> approve the items on the Consent Agenda as listed below: <br /> 1. ENERGY CONSERVATION IMPROVEMENTS_ CONTRACT AWARDS <br /> To award eight (8) energy conservation improvement contracts to the lowest <br /> bidder as listed below: <br /> Dwelling unit 1 Taylor $1,625 <br /> Dwelling unit 3 Taylor $3,720 <br />