Orange County NC Website
._.. ~~~ <br />~~- <br />5 _ _. <br />KENNETH LLOYD, development coordinator for Flat River <br />Prapertios, spoke in- opposition to the 5 acre minimum lot size <br />unless it also allows for averaging of lot sizes. A copy of his <br />statement is in the permanent agenda file in the Clerk's office. <br />In response to a question from the floor, Thames indicated <br />that the CDM watershed study did recommend settling lakes as a <br />possibility. Several lakes would have to be built far the <br />different creeks that feed into University Lake. <br />KENNETH MARTIN spoke in opposition to the 5 acre minimum lot <br />size in the University Lake Watershed. He also asked for <br />clarification on the different types of pollutants going into the <br />University Lake. <br />Commissioner Willhoit indicated that by using "structural best <br />management practices" the equivalent in water quality would be <br />achieved. However, it would require 18 settling lakes. <br />Commissioner Willhoit indicated that one type of pollution was <br />from organic pollution and the other was contaminants as a result <br />of man's living in the Watershed. Development activities increase <br />the rate of run-off of both natural and man-made pollutants. <br />Development is what causes an increase in the rate of run-off. In <br />the joint, work group with Chapel Hill, Carrbaro, and Orange County <br />the issue of equity was raised. There needs to be a lot more <br />understanding of the CDM Engineering Study. It would be worthwhile <br />to have at least one work session addressing the CDM study between <br />staff, CDM, OWASA and possibly others. <br />In response to a question from the floor, Commissioner <br />Hartwell indicated that the specific amendments that are under <br />consideration tonight are to allow some flexibility in lot sizes <br />so that on an average all lots will be five (5) acres but same <br />could be larger and some smaller. Another amendment being <br />considered is to allow clustering sa that a lot could be one acre <br />per unit providing that the total property is not developed over <br />the five acre per lot minimum. Another amendment would allow far <br />lots of record as October 2nd to be subdivided up to five lots of <br />2 acres each. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Marshall, seconded by <br />Commissioner Willhoit, to refer this matter to the Planning Board <br />far a recommendation to be returned to the Board of Commissioners <br />no sooner than January 8, 1990. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />b. Article 7.14.4 - Densit Bonus for Affordable Housin <br />(Commissioner~Halkiotis was excused from the meeting) <br />The presentation was made by Marvin Collins. The purpose <br />of this presentation was to receive citizen comment on a proposed <br />~, <br />