Orange County NC Website
<br />~ 4.Y <br />of one unit per 5,38 acres. The smallest lot proposed is a 3.59 <br />acre tract separated from the main portion of the subdivision by , <br />a public road right-of-way. All other lots exceed five acres in <br />size. <br />The current standards require each lot to be at least five acres <br />in size. The proposed standards would allow the subdivision to be <br />approved, provided all other non-watershed standards were met. <br />THERE WERE NO QUESTIONS FROM THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OR PLANNING <br />BOARD <br />THE PUBLIC NEARING WA5 OPEN FOR CITIZEN COMMENT. <br />H. DOBSON, JR:-,`spoke in opposition to the five (5) acre <br />minimum lot size in the University Lake Watershed. <br />MARVIN POYTHRESS, spoke in apposition to the five (5) acre <br />minimum lot size in the University Lake Watershed. <br />BILL BURCH, spoke in apposition to the five (5) acre minimum <br />lot size in the University Lake Watershed. <br />BEN LLOYD, spoke in opposition to the five (5) acre minimum <br />lot size in the University Lake Watershed. He asked what density <br />bonuses means? <br />Collins indicated that density bonus means additional units <br />which would be permitted in addition to those permitted by the <br />basic regulations. <br />LLOYD also asked about clarification of the requirement for <br />twice the minimum lot size for a parcel an which is located a <br />septic tank field serving an adjoining lot. He also asked what <br />federal wetland permits would be required? <br />BILL, DURHAM, spoke in apposition to the 5 acres minimum lot <br />size i n the University Lake Watershed .area. He asked why catch <br />basins were not being used in Orange County. <br />COUNTY ENGINEER PAUL THAMES i ndi toted that catch basins do not <br />lessen the amount of run-off. They simply catch it and redirect <br />it. It would still all go back into the watershed. He indicated <br />that Best Management Practices were not being used because they <br />were a. high maintenance item. The responsibility for maintaining <br />them would be difficult to determine. <br />VICTOR TRIPP spoke in opposition to the 5 acre minimum lot <br />size in the University Lake Watershed area. <br />ROY STROUD spoke in apposition to the 5 acre minimum lot size <br />in the University Lake Watershed area. <br />